Beginning 4th grade with SCM. Overwhelmed.

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  • faithmom

    I want to begin my soon to be 4th grader with SCM curriculum for the history and science.  Is that possible?  I can’t go to the convention, so getting my hands on this and reviewing materials is not possible.  I’ve printed the free curriculum guide, but I’m overwhelmed without a catalog to write in, etc.  We have been using My Father’s for grades k -3, but I don’t want to do their other materials.  Also, how long does it take to homeschool 4th grade with SCM?  I don’t know what to order first, need to see if ther is a way to break this down into semesters in order to break up the $$.  I see the tips and such, but I do need a plan all laid out for me.  I see that SCM offers those.  I’m just overwhelmed with changing curriculum and buying the items just to get started.   Any advice is appreciated for a newbie.  Thanks!


    Hi faithmom! Welcome! 

    When you are looking at the history and science options in the bookstore, there is a link called “download a free sample”. I seriously recommend that you do that because the samples are extremely generous plua the answers to your questions will be there. The 3 semester (called a term) break-down is already done and available in the sample, and you will see the term plans, the lessons and books needed for each term, plus some sample lessons for you to see exactly what you are doing. 

    Bonus – once you print it, you can write your notes on it. I do that a lot! =)


    Thanks, will go there to look at it right now. Wink


    I took a peek and have a question before going into the samples.  Which title do I begin with first in the history stuff in the bookstore for 4th grade?  There’s alot there!  Thanks for helping.


    You can choose any of them – it depends on what you have studied and where you need/want to go.  CM thought we should start with history chronologically, however many people choose what they want. The modules are designed to be independent of each other in that you don’t have to have one before the other, although your student will be making his own connections with each time period as you are studying it. 

    The easiest way to keep track of which period you have studied is by keeping a timeline or Book of Centuries (which is basically the timeline in a notebook) – by tracking people and events through a Book of Centuries your son will “see” history.

    The SCM History modules start with Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Middle Ages, Early Modern and Modern History. You will study American history and world history concurrently in the Early Modern and Modern History modules.  Each module contains lessons for Bible, Geography, and History.


    I know how overwhelming it all seems at first! But I can honestly say that using SCM has made our homeschool the simplest ever. I have a 4th grader this year. If it were me, I’d pick a history cycle and order the corresponding History/Geo/Bible handbook.  Having a guide to tell what to do each day is so simplifying, and they are only $15ish.  I like that the handbook is laid out day-by-day rather than week-by-week. Week-by-week plans leave me feeling all over the place if we have a sick day, fieldtrip, etc. But w/the SCM handbook you just do the next day, and it’s thorough but not overwhelming…so it’s also easy to double up days if needed. And they work in exam and make-up days.  

    For science, I haven’t used SCM but have heard great things. I’d just pick what they offer, or use Apologia or something similar.

    My 4th grader takes about 3-4 hours a day to do school, with a shorter day on Friday.  A typical day for him is:

    Family time w/SCM Handbook/Scripture Memory System most days, and then one of the following per day: composer/poems/artist/literature/timeline.  This takes about an hour or little more.

    Then he spends another couple hours or so doing independent work (math, literature, science (2-3 days a week), writing, music practice and I do Spelling Wisdom w/him).

    HTH some. Best wishes starting off:) Gina


    We have only learned early explorer American history for the last years of K – 3 in My Father’s World. I guess we should start with the beginning book, Genesis through Deuteronomy. MFW is light on Bible, so I am really liking what I see in the sample for Genesis through Deuteronomy. I want to look at SCM science since I need that subject covered.

    What about too much exposure in early years to mythology and false gods? I see what Mrs. Shafer has in her sample regarding this. I am not too keen on exposing my child to those things in early years at all. How is it discussed in the books….or is it left up to me?

    Is it ok that I use my own spelling, language arts, math and library books with SCM? We use other curriculum for those…..Building Spelling Skills, Learning Language Arts Through Literature, CLE Sunrise math and library books.

    jill smith

    Hi faithmom,

    I am also new to this Cm this year with a 5, 7, 10,15 year olds. I am going to start with Module one for History and I looked at the Science books and they look amazing to me. Love how the author makes the book come alive for the kids, and its packed full of information. I, to need a guide to tell me what to do so seeing your post on that helps me to look into that also. I use Math-u-see and not sure about the L.A. yet. Hope this helps.


    When it comes to science, will SCM work for us since we live in the city and not the country?  Nature walks would be a rare thing for us. 


    Another question!  I see Bible in the bookstore.  Am I supposed to add one of those too in addition to Genesis through Deutoronomy?  That seems like alot.  I still need to keep my dd focused (4th grade).


    There is not much exposure to the false gods and myths, plus you are the on who decides how much to go into it. If you are deciding between which of the books to get for mythology, may I suggest “A Wonder Book” by Nathaniel Hawthorne? It is delightful retellings of the more famous Greek hero stories told in a setting of older cousin telling smaller cousings the stories during their weekend adventures together – and we much prefer it to “The Golden Fleece” by Padriac Colum (the other recommendation).

    The science curriculums are great. In each of them are suggestions for the week’s nature study topics as well. I suspect your son would really enjoy 106 Days if youare doing SCM science. We have used it in the city w/no problems. If you are able to visit a park, zoo, arboritum, planetarium, natural history museum, or other place in the city, it will count as a nature walk if you keep a journal of things observed.

    There are many ways to do nature study in your home as well – plant some seeds, get a fish tank and observe, hang a birdfeeder by your window, plant a flower windowbox, get an ant farm, etc…  


    If you were to do Module 1 five times a week, you will study Bible 3 times, Ancient Egypt 1 time, and Geography 1 time. The Genesis thru Dueteronomy & Ancient Egypt (aka Module 1) will have that planned out and the Bible things will be scheduled in the Module guide and it will be listed in the resources needed section of the sample.


    That’s really neat.  It’s a rotation, which makes it less repetative!  Thanks for the detail.

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