Bedtimes… Yours and there's

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    So I’m curious.  What kind of bedtimes do you and your kids have?

    My boys that are 3, 5, 7 all go to bed at 730 and they are up at 630-7 or so.  My boys who are 9 &10 go to be at 815 and are up about the same.  I feel sleep is a BIG deal, but wondering where everyone else is at.

    Also, I MUST HAVE 8 hours or I am a mess.  I know this and I am up at 6 every morning Sun – Sat.  I go down about 930.  That said I have not had time to do the treadmill and thinking about rising at 530 just to get in 20 minutes on there every day.  What are your schedules like.

    Just looking to chat about us!!Smile


    I go up with the babies around 7:30, read a story, say prayers, and then say goodnight.

    DS, 4, is sometimes staying up until 8:30 while we do Family Bible…sometimes he’s going up with the babies.

    DS 7, DD 9 and DD 12 are up doing Bible until 8:30.  Our son then goes to bed, but the girls stay up to read or journal until 9:45.

    Books on CD are usually turned on for all until they fall asleep.

    …HOWEVER…waking time has always been an issue for us.  My girls would probably sleep until 7:30 or 8:00am everyday…but the boys (all 4) have always gotten up WAAAY too early.  We are always up by 6:15, and they’ve been known to get up before then.  Most of the time DH gets up at 5:15 just so he can read his bible in quiet.  Another issue we have with them that was not an issue with the girls, is that they get up READY TO GO!!!  There is not sitting on the couch snuggling, no time to wake up, no slow motion…it’s just GO, GO, GO…

    DH and I usually go to bed around 10:30 or so, unless he is going to school…then he stays up until he gets his work done, and I’ll doze off and on reading in bed waiting on him.  Our 15 month old is also still waking 2-3 times a night, and sleeping with us the last few hours of the night (which was not an issue with the first 5 children), so I’m feeling a little sleep deprived too…curious as to what methods everyone else is using….??…??…???


    Julee Huy

    My 4, 6, 8 year olds go to bed at 8:00 during the school year.  My 10 & 2 year old go to bed at 8:30.  My husband and I go to bed anywhere between 10-12.  We are up at 6 and the kids are up around 7.  This has varied at different times of our lives, but this is the basic schdule for us.

    We have 4 boys and they also wake up and get moving ASAP. 


    Lesley Letson

    Iamsahm – our schedules sound exactly alike. My oldest son is 4 and my twin sons are 2 – they all go down about 7:30 and wake up around 7-7:30. I need to be in bed by 9:30 because when I wait until 10 or later I can really tell it (so can everyone else) the next day. I usually get up around 6. 🙂


    The kids (8, 6, 4) go to bed at 8 during the school year.   Our son, the oldest, will sometimes read until 8:30.  We’ve moved this summer and our schedules are all messed up.  As I type this, it is 7:40 and we’re getting ready to put dinner on the table.  Surprised  We go to bed between 10-11.  Hubby is in the Army, so he’s up at 5:15, I usually roll out of bed between 5:30-6 during school year, 7ish in summer.  I’m a night owl, so it’s hard for me to go to bed before 11, and equally difficult to get up in the morn.

    My son also gets up raring to go while the girls like to wake slowly and will lay in bed with their dolls or each other before coming down.




    I was never very good at convincing my kids to go to bed very early.  Our usual is about 9 p.m.  When they were babies if I got them down at 11 p.m. I was doing well.  🙂  The children get up at 7 a.m. (I have a 15, 13, 9 but we’ve done essentially the same thing forever)  I go to bed at 10:30 if my dh is ready (he likes to stay up later) and I wake up at 6 a.m.  I’d love to go to bed earlier, but I probably wouldn’t sleep anyway, lol.  I’m not very good at sleeping, and I’m afraid I passed it on to the children.  We’re all, um, very alert.  LOL  OK, actually, my dh says we’re all wound tighter than clocks on Sunday.  He thinks it’s funny to make a small noise while we are sleeping and watch us leap out of bed.  Laughing


    My kids, almost 7, 5, 4, and almost 2 go to bed at 9:00 p.m. all year round.  When they were babies I had them sleeping through the night by 2months old at the latest and early on they might have gone to bed a little sooner and then tuck the older ones in at 9 but now they all go at 9:00 pm and are up about 7:30.  My oldest boy is almost always up first (6:45-7:00) and if he’s up earlier he knows he has to be quiet if nobody else is up yet!  If the girsls aren’t up by 8:00 they get woke up and have to start moving right away (which is hard for them). 

     During school I have to be in bed by 10:30 as I need eight hours of sleep and was getting up at 7:00, but switched it to 6:30 so I could have a half hour of quiet/bible reading before they start getting up and then I get on by exercise bike to watch a half hour of news.  And then it’s time to go.  My husband likes to stay up later and now that he lost his job he stays up till all hours of the night and then doesn’t want to get up in the morning:)  I can’t wait for him and somebody has got to get breakfast!

    It works for us.

    Crystal Wagner

    I have almost 5 and 2 year old girls.  As soon as possible with them (about a year or so), I began pushing their “out of bed” time to 7am.  They are almost always awake well before then.  It has varied, but is usually between 5:30 and 6:30.  I cannot change that time by more than 1/2 hour.  But regardless of when they wake up, they are not allowed (except special circumstances such as illness, thunderstorm, etc) to come out of their room until 7am.  This gives me a few quiet moments in the morning to have my quiet time and Bible study (and cup of coffee to wake up enough to interact effectively Smile).  I need to be in be by 10 in order to be effective the next day.  Earlier is even better.  They were in bed about 7 until just recently.  When the 5 year old gave up napping a year ago, she was too pooped to be up later than 7 and the youngest was ready for bed at that time as well. 

    I feel bad putting them to bed so early when we eat dinner about 6:15-6:30 when hubby comes home.  He doesn’t have a whole lot of time to spend with them.  But we do have dinner together almost every night.  And he usually does bath or bedtime book.  But he has lots of professional reading to do at night anyway so if they go to bed too late, he doesn’t get to read.  He needs to be in bed by 10 also as he gets up earlier than I do.  I so look forward to when they sleep later in the morning.

    You also talked about exercising.  I find that the ages of the girls right now make it extremely difficult to exercise when they are up.  I have found that my body is not ready to exercise at 5:30 or 6:00am.  I have tried and I do not feel that my workout is as effective.  So I reserve that time as my quiet time.  Some days I am able to get in a walk with them around the botanical gardens or zoo.  We might get a short nature walk in as well.  But I have some training issues to deal with for the 5 year old.  She can easily walk 2 miles at the Botanical Gardens or Zoo and 4.5-5 miles at a theme park without batting an eye.  However, if you ask her to walk .5 mile and it’s not her idea, she says that her legs hurt.  So the point is that getting any aerobic exercise by going for a walk with them is not very feasible.  (She’s too big for a double stroller.  She is 45 lbs and the 2 year old is 35 lbs so to get a double stroller that would hold them would be too expensive.) 

    The weather recently has been gorgeous so we have been planning dinner picnics.  Either the 5 year old rides her bike for practice to a close park and we have a picnic dinner.  Or I pull a bike trailer with the younger one and my husband pulls a bike trailer with the older one to a park for a picnic dinner or for an ice cream dessert.  It has worked very well that I get my exercise and we have an enjoyable evening.  When it gets too cold for us to do that routinely, I’ll have to use the elliptical at home after they go to bed.  It’s not my favorite option as I would prefer not to exercise so close to bed time.  But I have not have found any other viable option.  I would love to hear how others accomplish this goal.


    My 8, 4, and 3yo go to bed at 9pm, the 1yo and 5 month old usually fall asleep by 10:00pm downstairs with me then I carry them up to bed.

    Wake up times:  The 4 yo and the 1yo(who still wakes in the night 1-2 times) wake up between 6:00am and 6:30am on their own.  The 5 month old wakes once at night and then is up for the morning between 5:30am-6:15am.  The 8yo and 3yo are my sleepers and I wake them at 7:00am or they would sleep until 8 or 9 am. 

    I go to bed by 11:00pm and get up with the baby or by 6:00am at the latest if he’s sleeping still. 

    Everyone in the house has mandatory quiet time from 1PM – 2PM in their own bed.  If someone falls asleep they are left until 3PM and then woken.

    Kathi said:

    Our 15 month old is also still waking 2-3 times a night, and sleeping with us the last few hours of the night (which was not an issue with the first 5 children), so I’m feeling a little sleep deprived too…curious as to what methods everyone else is using….??…??…???

    Out of 5 children we have had 2 semi good sleepers (sleeping through the night by age 2) and 3 waking up several times a night until age 4 children.  Of course during that time I’ve always had a toddler and baby too, or was pregnant.  A typical night pregnant with this baby who is 5mos had me waking 5-6 times a night for the various waking children (3 kids under age 3 while pregnant with baby #5).  I hear you on sleep deprived.  And unfortunately my DH goes to bed at 8PM so he can get up at 2AM for work, so I’m the sole bedtime person and middle of the night person unless it is a weekend he’s off.  Sigh.  At least those middle of the night times are great for praying and reading scriptures!


    I’m feeling the guilt now.  My kids, ages, 9, 8, 5 and 3 go to bed between 9 and 10.  Mostly because it’s so hot in TX during the day and we let them go out and ride bikes and play after dinner.  They wake up between 7 and 9 in the morning.  Which means our day gets started very late.  But it’s almost criminal to wake a sleeping child.  I go to bed between 11 and 1.  That’s bad.  I’m working on it but I struggle with insomnia and most often just use that time to “get stuff done”.  Or read.

    Julee Huy

    Growing up I was homeschooled and my Dad owned his own business.  He often did not come home until 7 and 8 or later.  My mom chose to keep us up later to see him and then we woke later in the morning.  We adjusted the schedule to fit our lifestyle, that’s the beauty of homeschooling right?


    – Julee


    crazy4boys – no guilt allowed!!! Every family is different!  We’ve considered letting everyone get up on their body’s clock, but we have such a wide difference in times that I was feeding someone in the house every 20 minutes all morning as they woke up.  And of course that made the ones who had already eaten want a snack… and you get the idea.  It was crazy. 

    As for bedtimes – yeah, we go later some nights, and even earlier sometimes.  I hear you about hot days.  We like to play outside after dark on the weekend with dad as a treat and it is SOO much cooler.


    Hey guys,

    Yes I agree there is no guilt allowed! Smile No one has to answer to anyone except for the Lord (and husband)  about how you spend your time and use your time.

    Every family is different and has a different schedule. My dc 8,6,5,3, and 7 months…all go to bed at 9:00-9:30. My 7month old still takes three naps and the last nap is from 4:30 he can normally stay up easily til 9:00 when I feed him and put him down for the night.

     Then all of them are up at 7:00 to read the Bible with daddy before he leaves for work (something we just started). Before that they would normally wake up between 7:30 and 8:00 am. I am a big proponant for room darkening shades and dark curtains to help children sleep past 6:30 and then I am like someone who mentioned not letting the children get out of bed before 7:00 even if they wake up earlier.

     I like to read my Bible from 6:30-7:00am. I would love to exercise before that or get up earlier to read and fit exercise in before 7:00 but I just haven’t gotten into the routine yet. My Dh and I normally go to bed between 10-10:30. 

    It’s great to hear everyone’s schedule.


    Crystal Wagner

    Has anyone been able to adjust when your kids wake up time to later?  Even by pushing bedtime off 1.5 hours later in the evening for the past two months, it has only adjusted wake up time by about 30 minutes.  I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with letting my girls stay up later if they slept later.  But if they don’t get their sleep, they are CRANKY and no fun to be home with all day.


    My DDs are 5 and 9.  We are in bed between 8 & 9 pm during the school year.  They generally wake up between 7:30 and 8:30 am.  I am the nightowl in the house; I can’t go to bed before midnight.  I love having the quiet time in the evening, and it’s when I get most of my planning and work and cleaning up done.  My hubby usually falls asleep on the couch around 10 pm, and he’s out the door at 6 am.  He would love for me to get up with him in the morning, and it’s a goal of mine someday, but I just love my bed in the early morning hours.  During the summer, we fly by the seat of our pants, and it works for us!  I agree with Julee and Tristan; it’s one of the things I love about homeschooling.  We can all have the schedule that fits our families, not the school district!

    Faith 🙂

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