Beauty and Truth Math & SCM Elementary Arithmetic

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  • kernat

    The Strayer Upon Books indicate Book 1 is 3/4th grade, Book 2 is 5/th/6th grade, and Book 3 is 7/8th grade.  Two of my children are rising 3rd and 5th graders, so I could potentially just start at the beginning of those books, right?  But the Beauty and Truth CM guides for this series indicate a slightly different start time.  For example, Book 1 is started in 2nd grade and Book 2 is started in 4th grade, if I recall correctly.  I do feel my rising 3rd needs to go back and work on understanding multiplication from before the 6 times table, and my 5th grader could use a review in operations.  They both used Singapore Dimensions last year, which does sort of review and add onto concepts from year to year.  I like it, but I feel like the S-U books might be easier for me to teach.  But if we are going to use these neat guides, the guides have a way to incorporate geometry and algebra, and we’d always be “off” the schedule, I guess.  🙁  Has anyone switched and had this dilemma?

    I have also looked at SCM math, at least for the 3rd grader since they only have Books 1-4 out.  Would Book 3 be a good place to start if she needs to be introduced to multiplication again?  I really like how CM constructs times tables.

    Is this math rigorous, should a student intend to go into any math/science fields?

    I do not want to go backwards per se in their math.  I suppose we could stick with what we’ve been using, of course.  Or I might switch the 5th grader to an online math.  But thoughts on these?

    Karen Smith

    I can’t help you with Strayer-Upton placement but I can with SCM’s Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic. Multiplication is introduced in Book 2 of CMEA with the student learning the tables for 1-5. Book 3 continues the tables from 6-10. We have a placement guide to help you determine where to place your child if you decide to use CMEA.

    As for your question regarding if CMEA is rigorous enough for a student that intends to go into a math or science field, the answer is yes it is. We are working on CMEA Books 5 and 6. Book 5 is in the beginning editing stage. Book 6 is still being written. Any student who finishes all 6 books will have a very good understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals, and will be well-prepared for Algebra and beyond.


    Thank you so very much!  Do you think Book 5 would be available within a year or so?  It also looks like Book 3 does review Book 2, so hopefully that includes the multiplication?  She really just needs practice with facts. I think she understands the concepts.  Because I have four students, I started to look at Beauty & Truth since they have more of the levels done.  But I do like how SCM math looks, too!

    Karen Smith

    Review of previously learned concepts and additional practice of those concepts is built into each book in CMEA.

    We are working hard on Book 5 and hope to have it available for purchase within the next year. We don’t have an estimated release date yet.


    Thanks so much, Karen.  This is really helpful.

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