Beautiful Thomas Kinkade Art w/ Hymns

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Beautiful Thomas Kinkade Art w/ Hymns

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  • 2flowerboys

    Wanted to share this..I love it my boys love it, and so does dh! We got ours at K-mart recently for $5! They are out of stock at Amazon ..but seems to have others like it. It is 2 famous hymn cd’s, 8 postards w/ Thomas Kinkades’s art on each one (already sent those to family members), and a wonderful video postcard. The latter is a dvd that plays 33 hymns while showing a lot of TK paintings! Absolutely Beautiful! There are some Bonus features w/ TK speaking about his artwork. He explains in detail what he was thinking and feeling w/ each painting. I put it on this morn, just to listen, and the boys loved it! His talent is amazing! My little one said, that doesn’t look like a painting it looks like a real picture. No one can paint that good! TK gives all the glory to God for his talent and encourages us to be a light in the world…Hence, he is called the Painter of Light!

    Here is the one we got on Amazon that is out of stock. For some reason it does not list the postcards and dvd?? Maybe this was a special collection. However, my dh said that K-mart had a newer one from 2010 that cost more. I am going to purchase some more for gifts. It is truly encouraging and gentle to the soul!


    Oh, I hope our Kmart has some of the older ones yet in stock! $5 I could handle….and I have chosen Thomas Kinkade as our final artist for picture study this year. Since we are studying Modern Times (mod. 6) for history this year, I have chosen mostly 19th & 20th century artists. Maybe my sister would buy it for me for Christmas….she also loves his work.

    Currently, we are working on Frederic Remington. I have found some samples of his work to view online, but if anybody has any suggested resources, I’d love to hear about them.


    Oh, I’ll have to look next time I got to the “city”.  Can you tell me what part of the store you found it in?  That sounds super awesome and the price rocks!

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