Beautiful Girlhood books from Vision Forum?

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  • MissusLeata

    Well, I think people are free to use their money for whatever they want. I, personally, am less likely to support a dishonest “christian” organization than a dishonest organization of the world. I believe that Christians are held to a higher standard. I do not find it more Christian to support a “ministry” with really dangerous doctrine than to support Amazon.

    I have not seen anything that resembled a personal attack against VF. What I said was simply said as a caution. My family homeschooled using a curriculum and a support system that has a similar mindset as what I’ve seen in VF. It damaged my walk with God and my life. Thus, I share out of personal experience and concern. 

    As to teaching girls to be worthy of love……Men who give their lives for women, children or anyone else are doing so out of *their* character, not the character of the person for whom they are dying. In Christianity, men are taught to be like Christ and have sacrificial love for their wives and children. To imply that those wives and children are to be “worthy” of such a sacrifice implies, by analogy, that people are to be “worthy” of Christ’s sacrifice. That is impossilbe. We can live in a way that attempts it as an expression of gratitude. But there is nothing anyone can do ahead of time to be worthy of the sacrifice Jesus made. I’m concerned about the theological implications of such teaching.

    And honestly, if being concerned about the teachings of a ministry is a personal attack, then questioning the motivations of people who are particular with which ministries they support is also a personal attack.


    I started not to reply at all, but decided I would.

    I have been on this forum for a few years now.  It’s the only one I go to and honestly probably spend more time than I should.  I’ve been struggling with time management lately with homeschooling, farm life, my lending library, our family business, etc. and have felt the need to drastically cut back (or cut out) my computer time.  But I hated to miss the fellowship on this board.  But now I believe I can be at peace with dropping it.  I need to spend my time nurturing my relationships at home rather than an avatar.  I appreciate the spirit many of you have and I’ve enjoyed my time here.  It’s just time to move on. 

    I will still support SCM and will buy from them.  Just not participate in the forums.

    Grace to you…


    Whoa!  I did not share that website to create a hullaballoo or as an offense toward anyone!  

    One thing that really appeals to me about the CM style of education is to read great books without a lot of extra input, allowing the child to make connections, etc.  I have purchased a few things in the past from VF and kind of got an eery feel for some of the things I heard preached in the CD.  It seemed somehow extraBiblical if that is a term.  It didn’t seem quite right to me, so some of the things I read in the mentioned website made clear to ME why I didn’t agree with what I heard.  Personally, I tend to not trust anything written by people that interprets the Bible.  I have read countless stories of women (and some men) who were raised in homes that followed the Bible, but it turned out that their homes followed a twisted version of God’s Word.  For instance, doctrine completely based on A verse or passage taken out of context.  I love that Charlotte Mason encouraged us to read God’s Word for ourselves and learn His truths for our lives.  

    In regards to the Beautiful Girlhood book originally mentioned.  I own a copy of the original (not Andreola’s revised one).  It has some beautiful thoughts.  I think I will have my daughter read it when she is a teenager, and we can discuss how the concepts apply to us in the 21st century.  


    Robin… your PM box is full and not accepting messages… could you check it? ~ Jenn


    I just want to clarify that I was asking about the series of books entitled Beautiful Girlhood — there are four books in the series and they are historical fiction — not the book called Beautiful Girlhood which was originally written by Mabel Hale (I think?) and which Karen Andreola has also republished.  I own the original Beautiful Girlhood book, but I haven’t read it yet and am waiting until my little girls are older to decide on it.  I hope no one steers away from that book because of this discussion.  

    Robin — sorry to see you go because I appreciate your wisdom here.


    Robin, you will be missed.


    Jean–I am sorry your original  question hasn’t been addressed.  I wish I knew more about the fiction series, but I’m not familiar with it.

    Regarding the “other” Beautiful Girlhood…I do not have a daughter old enough to read this series, but I have to say, I grew up around many people who did.  The mentality promoted in these books and books/philosophies connected to them are part of the reason I moved toward a branch of Christianity that I believe is more respectful of women as entire individuals made in the image of God along with men, and thus bearing equal choices, responsibilities, and consequences.  I witnessed first-hand the harm that certain ways of thinking (IMO promoted by this book) can do to families (not just girls!), and the way in which some people I loved and cared for came out very, very damaged in their adult lives as a result. The book reads nicely, but I think you have to be really careful and think through all of their ramifications before choosing to give it to your children.  That said, it is definitely a product of their era, and I like one poster’s idea of reading it as such, and discussing which parts might be universally applicable. 

    Also…Robin, I try to keep up with everyone’s points of view, but struggle with it since I don’t post too frequently, so I’m not sure of your reason for leaving.  But I will say that I have personally benefited from your wisdom, and I am sure all will miss you.  I am sorry you feel it necessary to leave, but I can empathize with the need to move away from online discussions more into real life! Best of luck to you and your family.



    Me too, Robin. I’m sorry to see you go. =(



    @ Robin!! You will be missed!!…A Lot!!! 🙂

    I too spend a good deal of time on SCM, but it is my support and cheerleaders! I truly appreciate you all! I don’t get on anything else..except my email. So, I feel that this forum actually “helps” me in a lot of ways! But I understand why you have to leave! I Hope you can come back, soon!


    Sonya Shafer

    One of the great things about our little forum community is that everyone strives to extend grace to each other while expressing their opinions. This topic has strong opinions, so we wanted to remind everyone of the need for kind wording and thank you in advance for keeping the discussion grace-filled.

    Robin, we’ve appreciated your being part of our community for so long. You’re always welcome here.


    I’m not sure anyone replied to the Beautiful Girlhood history books (that have doll dresses to go with them).  We really liked them.  I do’t always agree with VF but I did like these.  What you might not agree with would be easily changed or left out.  They do come from the Providence standpoint.  I agree with that so I like them  🙂

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