If you have used this lesson plan for geography do you recommend the maps as well?? The maps are extra (didn’t know that when I purchased this) but I was wondering if it is really necessary. I don’t really want to skip them, but….
My oldest that requested this is 12, then my 8yo and 5yo will join in. My oldest has had several geo lessons so this won’t be his first exposure (we use maps/globes all the time), but he really likes these books so I thought I would capitilize on this interest.
We have other resources for printable maps, but I thinking these maps are unique to this lesson plan.
The maps are unique to the guide; however, I don’t see why you couldn’t use any map of the US which you can write on with this. Their maps have close ups of the specific regions each Holling book travels through. If you have your own printable maps, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with what you have.
The biggest difference I can tell with their maps, other than the specific regions, is the rivers are darkened for easy identification. Most of the map work is to label the states and rivers/lakes associated with the book. If you can print out a blank map of the United States and Canada, with no state or city identification on it, I think you would be just fine. They do have the outline of the States on their maps, just no names.