Beautiful Feet Geography Question

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  • Aimee

    Hi.  I’ve seen Beautiful Feet Geography mentioned here before, so I thought maybe someone here could answer a question for me.  Do I need to purchase the maps to do the map work?  I have three students who will be doing the map work and two little ones who would probably want to pretend they are doing it. ? My understanding is that each child would need their own set and that seems kind of pricey.  I have Uncle Joshes Outline Maps on CD and am wondering if I could use something like that. Your thoughts and experiences would be appreciated!


    You can substitute maps if you want, I did. I would think that the advantage of using the bigger ones from BF is that they ARE bigger, and therefore a bit easier to label and color, especially if you refer to the maps in the back of the Hollings books to get your bearings.



    Perhaps one set to work on as a family.  In my opinion, using Uncle Josh’s maps exclusively would be missing out on a large component of the Beautiful Feet program.


    We used the BF maps as a family.


    Thanks, maybe I will just get one set to do as a family. I appreciate all of your responses!


    Since the maps are pretty pricey, and some of my kiddos are pretty little, I found printable versions on the internet. (I’ll look for the links)  Especially since the littlest ones are only going to color the maps….rather than all of the labeling.  I printed them on card stock, and they turned out great!

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