Barry Stebbing's art classes??

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Barry Stebbing's art classes??

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  • nebby

    Has anybody ever done any of his 3 day art classes? There will be one in our area soon and I am wondering how worthwhile it is. I have two younger kids who could probably use the darwing instruction but I think would be bored if it is too much of “do what I just did” and also an 11yo who is a pretty good artist already so I don’t know how simplistic it would be for her.




    He was in our area this past autumn, and DD12 loved it. She loves art but has had little instruction, and she learned a lot from the workshop. We attended with another family, and their DD12 and DD15 both draw fairly well, the 12yo being a pretty good artist, and they both gleaned a lot from it. He assigns homework each day, and he looked at just about everybody’s work, even if just to give a word of encouragement, but my friend’s 12yo received quite a bit of constructive commentary from him.

    I’d recommend the course to just about anyone from a willing and interested beginner to a student with more experience/instruction as well.


    Thanks! That’s just the sort of info I needed.


    Richele Baburina

    Hi Nebby,

    The faciilitator of our local homeschool group took his three-day course with her children. They enjoyed it so much she is now bringing him here. I’ll be registering to take it with our two sons at the end of April. You aren’t by any chance in western Mass.?




    Ohh – Thankyou for mentioning this.  I hadn’t even heard of him, but I see that he is coming to my area in May.  I’m thinking this is exactly the kind of art instruction that I’ve been praying for, for my art-inclined son!!


    I hope this doesn’t hijack the thread….but has anyone used his DVDs?  I can’t find examples of them on his site to see what they are like, but I have several sons who are very interested in art/drawing instruction.


    You could probably email him directly on his site & ask if the dvd’s are similar to his 3-day workshop. If they are, I would strongly recommend them. In fact, I’m interested to hear from those who have used them as I might want to look into purchasing them myself.


    I found some examples on YouTube.  I haven’t gone to the workshops so can’t compare them.  Just enter Barry Stebbing and a few different videos will pop up.

    Let me know what you think!


    Agreed. The workshop is well worth the cost for a beginner. It’s pretty fast paced, so young kids should not get bored. If an older child is expereriened, it could be boring…when in our area they also offered a class for olders/more experienced. And I don’t know if they always do this, but I did get a refund because it was too simplistic for my kids when I registered them for a second time for the same classes. It had been a few years…so I thought I’d give it a try…


    Speaking of cost, when we registered for the workshop, it was quite a driving distance for us, more than 35 minutes one way, for 3 days. We were able to carpool one of the days, but travel costs were still a factor. The facilitator for the host school told us we could explain our situation & ask for a discount, and she forwarded our request to Mr. Stebbing. He had told her that he wanted to make the workshop available for as many students (especially homeschoolers) as possible, so he offered us a 50% discount on the cost of the workshop.

    You should ask for a “scholarship” if you really need one.


    Thanks, everyone, for the input. I think I am going to try it for all my kids (well, all except the 12yo who has zero interest).

    Richele–I am actually in eastern MA in Mansfield. How far west are you? I don’t know any other CM-style homeschoolers in my area . . .


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