Bad attitudes

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  • juls529

    I am new to this forum and believe I have found a hidden little treasure! I have 4 children (6, 4, 3 and 10 months). I started homeschooling my oldest from the get-go and love it except for his terrible attitude towards it. I started his K-year using a mix of curriculum packages and by the middle of the year I was dreading it as much as he was. I was pregnant during that time and didn’t have the strength to change how and what we were doing so plugged along. I spent the summer months reading this website inside and out and had more fun pulling a one year plan together. Unfortunately I am still being met with a bad attitude. It takes us most of the day to get through his work and I am very frustrated. I feel like I miss out on teaching so many things not only to him but the others as well.

    To make matters worse I have 2 girls that I can’t seem to entertain while plugging through my son’s school. This only leads to more frustration!

    I would love some helpful advice and maybe some “I’ve been there” or “I’m right there with you!”


    What are his consequences when he has a bad attitude? How long have you been homeschooling him?


    Since he’s only six, is it possible to back off the academics for awhile? Perhaps concentrate on nature study, outdoor time, physical activities, and listening to wonderful read-alouds.

    The success of your homeschool does require a good attitude from your son, and helping him learn the habits of polite behavior toward schoolwork will be worth the effort, and more valuable in my opinion, than any book work he would be doing at this age.

    (Volume 1 by Charlotte Mason might be valuable to you. The text is online. It was super duper valuable to me.)

    I hope this is making some sense. We really don’t need to rush our little ones to academics where there is so much else for them to learn. Unless he is asking for schoolwork, I would put it off for awhile and gently steer his habits in the right direction.

    And as a mom of a six-year old boy, I think they need lots of physical activity and outdoor time….the more, the better.

    And yes, BTDT.


    Juls, I truly feel for you! I’m new here also. I have a 6 year old girl with an attitude that can turn downright nasty. She is a wonderful child and mostly very agreeable, but there are those times . . . aaarrrgh! I find with my daughter that her bad attitude almost always stems from her own lack of confidence. She is a perfectionist who takes it so to heart if she cannot perform a task perfectly on her first try. Her angry tirades and smart mouth back talk are a way for her to vent frustration. Guess what happens when I get frustrated along with her? I’m sure you don’t need to be told that we sometimes cannot even be in the same room together.

    The key, I think, is to keep your cool, and give a lot of positive feedback. If your son does one thing well in a school day, lavish on the praise. Sincerely, of course. Downplay those things that aren’t going so well, with the assurance that you will be there to help him practice, until it comes easily for him – no matter how long it takes! They need to know (especially when they are being abominable little terrors) that you will not give up.

    I can relate with your situation with the younger children as well. I also have a 3 year old boy, and a 14 month girl (bless you with 4!). Some days I feel like I have done nothing but make snacks and clean up spills. Take Esby’s advice: Academics will come. Read to your children, play with them, and most importantly, teach them through example. Even on your most sour days, keep a smile on for them! Hang in there.


    I’m going to recommend a couple of Sonya’s resources. One is free, I think; Education Is (check the exact name on that) and the other is Laying Down the Rails. I know that she has other titles as well that speak to our children’s need for ‘heart training.’

    Also, we just need to keep remembering that our children are watching how we deal with difficulty. They (trails) are a wonderful opportunity to train our children in trust. Now matter how bad an attitude is, or other problem, God is bigger and Mom is going to keep praying and trusting God. I tell myself often that no matter what the action/attitude is on the part of the child, my REaction must be a godly one.




    I’m sorry, I just cannot resist correcting my typos! That would be (trials) and ‘No matter…’ Ugh! Where is one’s brain when it is needed!?


    Thanks for the helpful advice. You have all given me lots to ponder as we begin a new week and a new outlook!

    Artsymom, thanks for the laugh. I am not laughing at you but laughing because I feel your pain! My oldest daughter and I have days just like that! Just how many prayers have you sent up that one day the two of you will be friends?!


    I have an 8yr dd, she is a dawdler, with a bad attitude, she likes to pout. It drives me absolutely crazy, I have been reading over and over laying down the rails. It is excellent, and filled with so much good information that I have to read it again and again to retain it all. I am the problem alot of times, i loose patience and raise my voice, and that certainly is not condusive to helping her attitude. I have to work just as hard on my attitude as i do hers, the sad thing is, i probably focus more on hers than mine. I think that needs to be the other way around. In laying down the rails, it is getting my attention to focus on my attitde, and lovingly and gently work on hers. This is not easy for me, I am like a drill sargeant.(lol) I love what Cindy said about praying and showing our children a Godly attitude. the old addage “do what I say not what i do” is so true. I am telling them the right thing, but not doing the right thing. I need to change me first. pray pray pray pray pray, God’s mercy is new every morning, praise the Lord, nancyt.


    I’m new to this forum too and this is a very encouraging discussion for me. I also have 4 young ones: 6, 5, 3, 18 months. So I’m new to homeschooling in the midst of juggling preschoolers & toddlers too.

    No advice, just wanted to say “Hi” and “Yes, I’m right there with you!” 🙂



    I would highly recommend Sonya’s resources. But, I would also say that his heart attitude is so much more important than any academics at this point. I would spend my time working on his attitude than his school work.

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