B-day for 1 yr. old-toy ideas?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat B-day for 1 yr. old-toy ideas?

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  • Rachel White

    My grandson is turning 1 next month and I need to get him something. I’ve picked one thing already; the Wee Wedgits but I need one other. My son is 9 anmd I can’t remember what he had! Is 1 when you get the push-pull toys? 

    However, no electronic suggestions, please.



    My kids at this age loved blocks – big lego’s, wood blocks, fabric blocks, etc.

    Lesley Letson

    When my three children were all under age 2 (twins in there) I went on a rampage taking out batteries – I understand that one completely! Even though many of these come with batteries you can do without them – all of the Fisher Price Little People toys have been favorites around here (school bus, fire truck, police car, airplane, etc.) but I must say the Little People farm has been the all time favorite. They are durable, easy to clean, and they seem to love to play with them for years (my oldest still plays with them). Aside from that I’d agree on blocks, also the huge bouncy balls can be very fun as well (those have been some $1s well spent!). Another favorite for all of mine at that age were the little ride on toys, our is a Fisher Price corn popper, I don’t know if they still make that one, but there are similar. Mine all used those learning to walk and then loved riding them around the house and storing treasures under the seats. We have had oodles more toys (thanks to the grandparents) that they played with at that age, but these have been the favorites that they still play with (along with old cell phones, kitchen utensitls – all the fun free ones 🙂 ).


    I was going to suggest a cardboard box!  We taped several big boxes together for our daughter, and she’s spent HOURS coloring in windows, furniture, etc. and playing in her little “house.”  But if you want to take it a step further, Cranium makes a more sophisticated kind of playhouse/fort kit.  The frame pieces look like those foam “noodles” kids swim with, but they have magnets on the ends, which attach to connectors so you can frame up playhouses and tunnels of various sorts.  The set also comes with colorful nylon sheets that attach to make the sides, tops and floors of the play structure.  The kit comes in a big bag with a handle, so it travels quite well.  We’ve taken ours camping and to other outdoor locations.  Might seem too much for a 1-year-old, but he’d certainly enjoy crawling through and hiding in whatever you built for him now, and it could be put away for a year or so and pulled out again when he can build for himself.

    One other suggestion is electronic, but I just have to say it.  It comes from LeapFrog and is the refrigerator magnets with the letters of the alphabet.  You put a letter in the base unit and push, and it tells the letter name and sings a song about what the letter says (long and short sounds where applicable). 

    Someone gave my daughter one of these when she was 18 months old.  A couple of months later, she was looking at a magazine and said, “Look, Mommy – it’s an rrrrrr” (saying the R sound rather than the letter).  She’s 6 today and reading like a 3rd grader (at least!).  So while it is electronic, it doesn’t fit the useless-noisy-toy category. 

    (There is another model of this toy that you put 3 letters into to spell words – called a “word whammer”, but this would be much beyond a 1-year-old.  And by the time my daughter tired of the first model, she was doing some beginning reading and seemed a little bored by the word whammer.

    Good luck!

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