Awesome Creation Movies

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  • LindseyD

    The last two weeks during our Family Movie Nights, we have watched a two-part video series on Creation. These videos have been amazing. Even dh and I were completely amazed at some of the information in these movies. They are titled Creatures That Defy Evolution, part I and II. We viewed them instantly on Netflix. If you don’t have Netflix, maybe you could check with your local video rental place or library. These movies are worth it!

    Just wanted to share,


    Rachel White

    Thanks for sharing; they are in my queue. There’s also a Vol. 3.

    Some others that I have in my queue that you may be interested in, if not already seen, are:

    Wonders of Creation- 6 Discs; God of Wonders; Dragons or Dinosaurs

    There are some children’s ones, too. Creations Creatures; Creation Adventure Team




    Thanks, Lindsey! I added them to my queue.


    Those are both great movies!  We’ve watched them a couple of times.  I also agree with Rachel on the God of Wonders and Wonders of Creation.  They are great too!

    Another really great movie if you haven’t seen it yet is Expelled.  We’ve watched it numerous times.  We’ve also bought copies and given them away to people.  It’s probably a bit much for the younger crowd.  Great for older kids and adults.


    ~ Carrie


    Thank you Lindsey!  We just watched #2 in the series, and it was great!!!!  The other 2 are on their way!  We use Blockbuster by the way – and they have all 3 in the series.

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