Autistic boy discovers his gift

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  • curlywhirly

    Thank you so much for posting this.  I just had a conversation with my sister today, who thinks one of our children may be “better off” in PS because of his disabilities or abilities, depending on how you look at it.  This article was the reassurance I needed. 





    Great read! I love homeschool – just the concept of it is so wonderful, that each kid can be taught meaningfully at his or her own pace and with their interest front and center. Yippee!

    DH and I refer often to the “No Child Allowed to Excel” in stories like these.


    Oh, I love the “No child allowed to excell.” I’m stealing that. A school teacher was once trying to convince me that I should not homeschool. I explained that we made the decision to HS because DD was reading already at age 4 so we wanted to be able to tailor a program to work with her strengths.  He said “Oh they all even out in things like that by about grade four, so she won’t always be ahead.”. So basically she wouldn’t progress at all for 5 years, and that was his argument IN FAVOR of public school.  It turned out to be an argument that solidified our decision to homeschool. What are people thinking? 

    Sometimes I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I have a degree in Special Education.   Sigh.


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