Audiobook Overview for Module 6 Modern History needed

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  • missceegee

    I would like to find an audiobook(s) for a nice overview for this period. I like the SCM Story of America and Nations series, but we’re unable to fit it in right now. I’d rather not drop that thread altogether. Any suggestions? I’m not interested in Story of the World. I don’t care for that series.




    Good movie or tv options would work too.


    bump, Embarassed




    What about some of the audios from Vision Forum?  They have quite a few history ones and I think some go into the 20th century.  They have even more options (with modern times the focus of a few) if you look at the video options.  


    Thanks, Tristan. Ill check there.

    Treasure House

    We enjoy Little Bear Wheeler’s Historical Devotionals and Your Story Hour CD’s. They don’t cover all of the time period you’re looking for, but they might be a good addition.

    Little Bear’s CD’s only go up through the Westward Expansion but do add in a couple of modern presidents.

    Maybe you could add some great historical fiction or biographies on audio or documentaries or classic films? I’ll try to find some and add later.

    Treasure House

    Ken Burns Civil War

    Young Mr. Lincoln – Henry Fonda

    Across Five Aprils audio book

    Friendly Persuasion – Gary Cooper

    How Should We Then Live? Schaeffer – DVD

    Chariots of Fire DVD

    Spirit of St. Louis – Jimmy Stewart

    Ken Burns Dust Bowl

    John Wayne war & western movies

    The Hiding Place audio drama

    Sound of Music

    Bonhoeffer audio drama

    Inn of the 6th Happiness movie

    Miracle of the White Stallions movie

    Ken Burns Baseball or Jazz? age appropriate?

    You might be able to find some of the SCM book selections on audio at your library.

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