Books on CD have become a big part of our family life over the last year, and I am looking for everyone’s opinion of “must haves”.
We only own a few so far: Just So Stories, All of a Kind Family, Sugar Creek Gang (first one), Farmer Boy and On the Banks of Plum Creek…and of course, the NKJV Bible (we also got our girls Next Generation the Word of Promise New Testament, which they LOVE).
Please share your favorites/children’s favorites to help me build a wish list.
Wow; this is a major undertaking for me to put my faves down.
The only abrdged stuff-Anything by Jim Weiss and Pilgrims Progress abridged for Youth by James Baldwin.
Also, for serious listening of unabridged are those by JIm Hodges.
The Winnie the Pooh Collection approved by his son; Jonathan Park Series, Living Principles of America collection (excellent dramatization of our Nation’s founding, best price found for cd’s at sing n learn; I have the tapes), YOur Story HOur, Tales of Beatrix POtter, Pollyanna, The HObbit, James Baldwin’s Fifty famous Stories Retold, Heidi, all of the Little House Books. Stories by E.B. White, too.
I’ve bought several collections from Homeschool Radioshows, as well as listening to them weekly as the old radioshows are sent free to my inbox.
I’ve also downloaded several from Librivox for free and recorded. I like them listening to the classics for written for children from the past, exposing them to it a couple of years earlier than they would read it or hear it read (as long as the content is appropriate).
Thank you, missceegee, for the amazing list you gave!
I agree with her recommendations. We are lovers of Librivox too. And I’ve recently become aware of That’s not free; it’s retail. But we bought the Civil War novel Bull Run and thoroughly enjoyed it!