audio foreign lang for dh's comute

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  • eawerner

    Would anyone know of a good, reasonably priced program to learn spanish (or other languages) that dh could use on his commute? He’s starting a new job with 40+ min each way and wants to do something productive with his time.  

    I may have to start the kids on a fun informal learning of the same language if I can.  Could be a fun adventure for us.  🙂 




    Pimsleur (sp?) has some good ones for learning – your library might have some to borrow to try it out…..


    There is a program we are working on called Spanish in 10 minutes a day.  They have other languages also but it’s broke down into 10 minutes per lesson.  I got it from the library 1st to see if it was what I was looking for and it’s been a good fir for out family.  Easy to understand, enough time in the pauses to repeat and its working for everyone from my 8 yr old to me!

    Just another idea.


    Thank you ladies.  I will have dh look at both of those options.  🙂

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