I have a 11yo who loves to read. I am thinking of assigning at least 15-20 reading time daily. I am wanting opinions as to the variety of reading assignements. I am thinking of free (her choice), living history( i think is like science), and literature (she chooses from a list; maybe themed with the history we are studying). What do you think?
I do this over the summer with my kiddos — 20 minute increments usually. Literature, history, science, free reading are the standard options, although I think I’d like to make a “biography” one which of course could be history (or science, or math, or whatever, depending on the person), but my kids never read biographies and I’ve been really feeling like that’s an overlooked area for us.
I’d be interested to hear if anyone “requires” some way of acting upon the reading — a written narration, oral narration, picture, whatever. Sometimes I do, even if it’s just a couple of sentences. On the one hand, I’m tempted to think, “Hey, it’s summer! No need!” On the other hand…seriously? It’s not that hard to do and helps solidify the reading because the reader’s brain is interacting with it in a different way.
Mine have 30 minutes from an assigned read daily in the summer (20 min in the school year). Yes, I require narrations. I stick with oral in summer pretty much.
We have a free reading hour for all children as soon as they can read consistently. We keep a basket of books related to science, history, biography, some classics they are not “assigned” plus books they choose on their own. It is non-negotiable and happens every day period. I do not require narrations on it. They narrate plenty. We do this whether we do school or not. We just do it. 🙂 No one has ever complained here. It’s just what we do. 🙂
I plan to have this happen in our home, as well. We are on summer break and my kids are used to really being on break from academics, but next week we’ll begin some assigned reading. I’m not sure how much time they will spend, maybe start with a small amount and work their way up, but we will begin, no matter what.
If you prefer more structure for their reading, you can assign a genre to a day of the week… like history on Monday, biography on Tuesday, Science on Wednesday… this way you know those bases are covered, and they don’t get bored with the type… Though they love to read, my kids tend to get a little bogged down if it’s a longer book.
Not sure if this fits the CM model… I’m still learning and pretty green! 🙂
Brooke, CM often had books being read once a week over a long period. It helps to build relations with the person, place, event we are reading about. Kind of like savoring a wonderful meal rather than inhaling something on the go. I’ve had library patrons schedule books the exact way you described.
That’s what I plan to do. I just don’t know for how long, meaning, 15 mins, then 30 mins, maybe work toward an hour a day (my oldest has science & math to finish up, along with some literature). My younger two have math and some literature. I just don’t want it to feel like “school”, so broken up throughout the week would be fine, or a little bit each day.
We’ll see.
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