Asking for help.. I did it & Prayer request

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  • Misty

    I just wanted to say.. I asked for help.  I just did it for the 1st time.  I hate asking for help.  I hate expecting or making someone feel like they need to do anything for me.  I like to do things myself.  I don’t like to need from others.  But today I did it.

    My baby is 3 weeks.  My milk has feed 4 of my children without a hitch, nice healthy, maybe even chubby babies.  The last 2 it did not make them healthy or chubby and had to be supplemented.  So this time I, with a wise older mom, have been trying to be “relaxing” as they do in other countries where the mom after having a baby actually rests.  That’s hard for me usually I go on as usual and that’s that.  This time I have tried very hard for me at least to be sitting and not doing as much.  I don’t know if it’s helping my milk or not right now.  But I’m trying.  So if you could also send up a prayer to add to mine and my wise mom friend that God would let my milk (which is coming in fine) be filled with all the nutrients she needs and help her to grow.

    Then a week ago it all went down hill.  My 20mo and 4yr old both got fevers and went down for the count for 24 hrs.  Then and untill now they have had stuffy noses, coughs etc.  Then 2 days later we had one puking, then one on and off with fever for 2 days, then another one went down for a day.  Then last Thursday I started to get it.  Friday I was down with fever and now I have lost my voice.  I’m misserable.  YOu don’t need to hear all my woes that wasn’t the point of this.  Other than I have not been sick like this in years.

    So today I sent out a NEED HELP to my friends and family.  I need meals for my family.  Can you believe it.  I actually asked people to bring me food.  I just can’t physically make dinner.  I haven’t really taught (mental note to work on) my kids to art of dinner cooking.  Lunch and breakfast YES!!  Dinner NO.  Dad needs to come home from work and play with these kids who’s mom is sick and on the couch all day, not make dinner.

    So I just wanted to say.. I did it.  IT was hard and I cried, cause it’s just not normal for me.  But I asked for help.  I can’t ask for meals from you.  But as I said before.  If you could please pray that God would give my baby girl all she needs from my milk I would appreciate it.  I sob at the thought of not being able to nurse.  Cause the milks there, it’s just not ?? fatting enough??

    Thanks Misty



    Praying for you now. Meanwhile, grab a cup of tea and Yes, Relax. Your milk will still come in and feed your precious little one.  Think of your favorite moments with God and remember His word as He will provide all of your needs. Pray for blessings to those who are coming to your aid and He will give them time and all needed to aid you as well.

    Just an aside. I became dehydrated. I was told to continue nursing my son and keep drinking. All ended well as he stayed healthy and I became hydrated again without ever stopping nursing:)

    Huggles and Prayers



    Bless you, Misty!  I pray that God will touch your family with restored health.  I had to laugh, though, because when I read MeadowLark’s reply, of course it brought to mind the verse about God supplying all your needs according His riches in glory….which made me think of Psalm 50 where is tells us that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  I started laughing because all I could think of is, maybe those are dairy cows?  And He’s willing to share…..Laughing



    I admire your courage, Misty. That is something I don’t know that I would ever be brave enough to do! Well done!

    I lost my milk when my ds was nearly 2 months old. I was so scared, which I’m sure made the problem worse because I wasn’t able to relax. For two days he got nothing from me, but I was determined not to give him formula. When I told my mom what was happening, she asked me if I had been eating. I told her I thought I had, but soon realized I wasn’t eating nearly enough and definitely not enough protein. She came to my house, and for a couple of days, made sure I was getting good food and lots of protein (eggs, chicken breast, hamburgers, etc.). I also drank an all-natural, herbal tea called Mother’s Milk. The tea coupled with eating more and better food caused my milk to come back by the end of the second day. I made it a point from then on to eat no matter how busy I was or how sleep-deprived I was. It saved my milk!

    Anyway, I know you’ve nursed a few more babies than me, but I bet you’re a lot busier too. Just wanted to make sure you’re eating plenty! 

    Blessings on you and your new baby,


    Sonya Shafer

    Misty, I want to share a little from the “other end” just to encourage you. A friend of mine, who really hesitates to make any needs known, took the step and let a few friends know that her family needed food recently. Our family had such a wonderful, joy-filled morning going through our pantry and finding food that we could share with her! That opportunity to minister to a sister in Christ filled our hearts with gratitude for our blessings and for God’s provision to us. It is good to have opportunities to give food to unknown needy people through service projects, but it is a double blessing to have the opportunity to minister directly to a dear friend whom you love personally.

    So, to all my sweet friends here, I know it’s hard to ask for help. But please keep in mind that God’s plan works two ways. When He prompts you to ask for help, He is providing opportunities for ministry, joy, and thankfulness in someone else’s heart!


    Oh Misty…  Bless your heart!  I’m the exact same way, almost to the extreme.  It it SO hard for me to ask for help…in fact I almost never do it…at all.  The one exception was Jan. 4 of this year when our calf was born, it was 8 degrees, the momma had left it and it was going to die.  I called my neighbor at 7am and asked if he could please help me.  We now have a very close relationship with them and it has been such a blessing.

    I’m praying for your family today…


    Hi, Misty.  I have been in a similar situation before.  Rest if possible (resting in a large family is still busy, so don’t be too hard on yourself), and get plenty to eat if you can – it will help the milk. 

    I am praying for you and your family. 



    I wholeheartedly agree with Sonya – it is a JOY for people to give. I’m sure the moms you asked for meals were happy to provide them for you. I know I like being nice to others moms! Please feel good that you made the other people feel good with your request. (And people like to be asked…having a specific request such as “bring food” is useful to people who want to help but aren’t sure what to do.)

    You are in my prayers. Easier days will come.

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