Asking for a bit of prayer

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  • Sue

    I don’t remember crying this much since my husband and I separated 5 years ago. But last week, my dad’s doctor told him that his latest colonoscopy showed more pre-cancerous areas around a polyp that she couldn’t quite remove. So, he has to have a portion of his colon removed.

    He seemed to accept it alright when he first spoke with her a few days ago, but now he is talking about just not having the surgery and letting things run their course. He has started saying that my sister (who died of breast cancer) was told that they “got it all” after surgery and then they found more cancer in other places a few months later. I keep trying to remind him that they have called it “pre-cancerous” and we haven’t even talked to the surgeon yet (appointment there on Tuesday). I am worried that he is giving up before anything starts.

    This is piling on me on top of some very tough times with two of my kids. My oldest (dd13) has been increasingly disrepectful and mean-spirited in the way she talks to me (especially) and her siblings, plus I had to take away her email privileges a couple of weeks ago after discovering that she had visited a couple of strictly forbidden websites. My autistic son (12yo) has been too aggressive and too disobedient for me to keep up with. I have to pick my battles because it feels as though there are just not enough “troops” to go around in myself. I am very blessed, though, that my youngest (dd10) has kept her quiet, gentle spirit in place and has been a source of joy most every day.

    I have friends from church who have been praying for me, and that helps. Even there, though, I had an emotional roller coaster ride today. I have a very small income and little help from my husband, so I know I don’t have much to put in the offering every week, but I do love to give what I have. Today, though, it really hurt (and I sat in the pew crying again) to only have a few dollars to place in the offering basket when all the time I knew I had been asking God to provide funds to meet our need to pay for teacher evaluations required by the state. It just hurts.

    I have been trying my best to “cast all my cares on Him” (I could win some sort of fishing competition with all the casting I’m doing), but I still feel so tired and overwhelmed. If you can put these things on your prayer list, I would really be grateful.


    Michelle Kelly

    praying for you right now sweet sister.


    I’m praying for you.  It’s so hard when we feel so overwhelmed with all that can be going on around us.  You are right though… we need to cast all our cares on to Jesus.  He wants them!!  He will carry your burdens, He wants to carry your burdens.  Give it all to Him.  Sometimes I think we are brought to this point so that we can learn to be more dependant upon Him.  Trust, lean upon Him.  Give your WHOLE self over, you will feel better.  

    Know that we are in prayer WITH you.  




    I’ve just included you in my morning petitions.  May God bless you and your family.  May you feel His Spirit lifting you and may He give you peace while He works everything according to His good and perfect plan.


    You are in my prayers.  Don’t worry God knows all you do and can do as he is there with you.  And don’t worry so much about the offering you are doing what you can and he knows it.  There are times we have not been able to put anything in our basket as the check book was negitive that week, but just the same we’ve had others where we can give a lot a week.  You will have those days to just be patient.

    I will pray for strength for you, for your children and your dad!  Love Misty

    So sorry to hear of your pain and discouragement. Thinking of and praying for you this morning!


    Oh Sue – big hugs and squeezes over to you!  Sorry to hear how tough it is for you now… I am praying for all of you too!  I just wanted to say that every time we cast our bread on the water, the Lord has blessed us soooo much more than our last dollar was worth.  I hope that you feel the comfort and strength of the Spirit and can continue on in the knowledge of His love and guidence through the next little while in your life.   Sheila 


    So sorry, Sue.  Praying for you today.  The Lord loves you and cares for you SO much.  I hope you feel His loving arms wrapped around you as you struggle.  Blessings, Gina


    Hang on to HIS hand Sue…HE will not let you go!

    Praying, jo


    Thinking of you! It may seem you are so deep in despair that no one cares or that there is no way out! You may be in a valley now, but the mountain top is just over the trees! May God give the strength you need at this time!

    Praying for you, your children and your father – it is hard to cast our worries on Him – but that is what we must do, and we must seek our strength from Him too..we often go through really tough times when we think we cannot take anymore – I have been there too – left reeling with grief, fear, worry and despair – during those times I have cried out to our Lord for His guidance, strength and peace of mind – it is not always obvious, but He is working in us and through us and in His time things will become clearer. It is not easy, but we can get through these times if we just trust our loving and caring Father – my faith has been strengthened so much over the last few years when our trials were the greatest.

    …but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.

    They will soar on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not be faint.

    -Isaiah 40:31

    Bless you – Linda


    Oh Sue, I am praying for you too. I pray that He gives you beauty for ashes. I pray that He gives you healing in your heart and freedom from all of this pain and fear. You are incredible to be Homeschooling through all of this. ANd just remember the widow’s mite meant more to Jesus then what anyone else gave. You will be blessed for your faithfulness. I am so sorry that you are going through so much. Thank you for being so honest and open and for sharing your burdens. We are to carry one anothers burdens and so often pride keeps us from putting ours out there. Your humbleness and openness is beautiful.

    May God bless you and keep you and make HIs face to shine upon you.



    Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and especially for your prayers. I know they have lifted me up because I felt much more at peace this morning and afternoon. I managed to say a few calming words to my dad today as well, and I think I’ve convinced him not to jump to conclusions before we’ve even talked to the surgeon. In fact, he even decided to go up on the garage roof to coat a leaking portion with tar….because he figures he might need a few weeks to recover from the surgery (his words). 84 years old and he still wants to climb on the roof by himself…..of course, that sent my daughter and I scrambling outside for awhile to make sure he didn’t fall off the garage!

    I also received a recommendation of a teacher evaluator who only charges half of what the lady I was going to use charges. That is a tremendous blessing. It looks like it is going to be doable within the week, so I’ll be able to send everything in by the time school starts in our district.

    I am blessed to be a part of this community of homeschooling parents who are so willing to pray and encourage others when we need it.




    I wanted to let everyone know that my dad’s appointment with the surgeon was very reassuring. First, my dad has lived with a hiatal hernia for a very long time. His stomach is pushed way up into the chest cavity behind the heart. It can be very dangerous if the stomach starts to twist. So, the surgeon walks in & says “We have two problems we are dealing with….” and talks about the hernia. We start asking about the tumor in the colon, and he tells us that it was found very early and is only pre-cancerous, and that the surgery should be rather simple. He then says that the location is such that it will be very easy for him to also correct the stomach issue and that dad will be able to eat better and will have fewer digestive problems. Dad feels so much better about this, although we’re still not sure when it will be done.

    Another praise report is this: As I told you, my friend recommended a teacher evaluator who charges only half of what I had been expecting. However, she wrote down the wrong phone number. I called the number she gave me, left a message, and got a phone call back an hour later….from a different person who does homeschool evaluations. Once we figured out the error, she began to close the phone call by saying, “Well, if you ever need someone to complete your evaluations, just call me….I charge ($X) per child…..” which was even less than my friend’s evaluator. Now, I really did not want to simply find the cheapest route to go; I wanted someone who would be a good fit for the methods we use. However, the price quote caught my attention. I asked her about evaluating someone who was taught using Charlotte Mason methods, having done narrations and not a lot of worksheets and formal reports, etc. She answered my questions and I began to feel very comfortable with her. So, I set up an appointment for next week.

    This evaluation thing is an amazing blessing from God! It will only cost me what I would have paid for one child to have all three evaluated. And I can cover it without asking anyone to pitch in and help pay for it. Yay, God! He is so good and so faithful. Thank you.

    And thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement.



    Sue, let us know when your dad has his surgery so we can pray for you all – I am a firm believer in prayer and in handing things over to our wonderous Father. He always knows our needs and His answers are always awesome and often unexpected. God bless you and hope you sleep with peace for many a night now. Good luck with the eval as well – God will be there for that too! :)))

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