Art of Argument..high school credit?

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  • Debbie

    Would you say this books could count as 1/2 credit in high school? Is it ok to do this with 1 high schooler or is it really best done in a group?



    Rachel White

    I believe it’s a half-credit, but if you follow up with Discovery of Deduction (formal) in a second semester, it becomes a whole Logic credit

    Then The Argument Builder is a blend of logic and rhetoric; a “great bridge” course (according to Veritas Press catalog) to Rhetoric. Also, a 1/2 credit.

    It can be done either way; though it’s fun to engage your child or have a sibling engage with him/her on this topic.



    Yes, alone it is worth 1/2 credit.  Dd14 is using The Art of Argument with an online class taught by the author via Classical Academic Press. While the class she is taking is year-long, it’s still 1/2 credit. It’s offered as one and two semester class. I’m glad we opted for the year long class.

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