Art instruction: thomas Kinkade, Artistic Pursuits or How Great Thou Art?

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  • Rachel White

    My dd, 11, is very gifted regarding drawing/sketching, pottery, etc. I’m trying to find a curriculum she can do on her own

    that will give her step-by-step instruction independently.

    We tried Artistic Pursuits, the first Level and she wasn’t interested; there wasn’t enough direct instruction for her-too much emphasis on art history. Plus, they are so pricey.

    Are the gr. 4-6 more instructional? I’d be more willing if I knew more about the other texts.

    I’m not so inclined towards the Alpha Omega Thomas Kinkade art course, but it’s an option.

    Lastly, the Stebbey materials of Feed my Sheep or How Great Thou Art Vol. 1 and 2 are more affordable and seem more comprehensive.

    Any opinions?



    We own Lamb’s Book of Art, Feed my Sheep, and God and the History of Art from Barry Stebbing.  These are very good, but may not be what you are looking for.  Yes, your child can do them independently.  I am not an artist, so you can take my opinion for what it’s worth.  I think they are great and we really enjoy them, but they are a little shallow on the actual art instruction.  And I don’t mean shallow as a criticism.  I just mean that they teach you a little bit about a lot of things.  If you are wanting some intense drawing instruction, for instance, I haven’t seen it in those particular books.  But, for what it’s worth, my daughter who is 11 and a pretty decent artist loves the Feed my Sheep book and does it on her own.  You can probably see some samples of it at currclick.  Also, if you have a Mardel near you, they might have it.  Ours does.  I may be wrong, but I believe Stebbing’s books are strictly for drawing instruction.  I don’t think he includes anything like pottery.

    We also have the “See the Light” videos for art instruction.  These are very good, in my opinion.   They are short and some of the Bible that they throw in seems unnecessary, but we’re fine with it.  My kids are 11-4 and I find that the lessons are just about right for the 8, 10, and 11 year old.  However we all do them and we have all learned from them.  If your daughter is already pretty advanced, these might be below her level.   You can see a sample lesson on their website.

    If you have any specific questions, I’ll be glad to attempt to answer them.

    Lesley Letson

    How Great Thou Art also has some more intense, drawing only dvds – Beginning and Intermediate Drawing. I own them, but we have not watched them yet. I bought them for my son who is very gifted in drawing as well. We use the I Can Do All Things program by them and like it – the drawing sections of it have given him some pointers/techniques that he didn’t come by naturally and that has helped. I assume the drawing only programs go into more depth…


    We have tried so many things over the years – including those things listed above.  Right now we are doing the Beginning Drawing by Barry Stebbing and I am proad to announce:  it’s working and they love it!  

    Rachel White

    pollysoup, is that the DVD or workbook?


    They are DVD’s.  This is the one that we have:   or|1195534|1016|1195534|1016

    The Christian book link has a little trailor video included.  


    Artistic Pursuits has more actual instruction at higher levels.  Every lesson has something to do.  I know the level 1 book you are talking about – we skipped it also.


    Have you considered the Creating a Masterpiece videos offered by SCM?

    I admit, I’m biased – my pastor’s wife is the creator and artist, but this is what I LOVE about them.  They are created by someone who IS an artist AND a homeschool mom AND an art teacher.  It’s very hard to find programs that are created by one person that has worn all those hats!  But because she has,  you are getting high quality instruction from someone who has made a living AS an artist (she scultped dolls for HSN and the Danbury mint!), plus she understands that homeschool moms need something that they don’t have to read a LONG manual before getting started, plus as an art teacher – she understands which projects to select to make sure the student WILL create a masterpiece.  Also, as an artist, she insists that kids who are artistically inclined, simply must learn by video (or personal insturction) as learning by book is a very frustrating process for those with the gift of creativity – it’s halted, with pictures of each step, but no flow to it that the creative child so desperately craves.

    Finally, I have no artistic ability or training – so I offered to be a guinnea pig with my children and we all did the peaceful lake pastel and I just can’t even begin to express how beautiful they turned out.  My girls are featured in the creating a masterpiece websites example work – the little girl with the big pink flower in her hair holding the rooster – she’s 6 and then the little girl with the shoulder length blond hair painting peaceful lake – is my 8 year old.

    It is not cheap, but you are getting results of such high quality that it is worth it – here’s how I  can make it work without taking it out of my homeschool budget.  If you have a child who loves art – buy them a video and supplies as a birthday or Christmas gift – they will LOVE it and then it comes out of your gift budget…. use your final work as a gift for grandparents or aunts and uncles – they work is so beautiful the aunts and uncles will be happy to get it and again you can take the money from the gift budget that you would have used to buy a gift for them!    Plus, because the product is so new you should be able to resell the videos (if you can part with them) for a very good price and put that money toward your next purchase!




    @Rebekay, is this the same course that was mentioned awhile back? I remember someone mentioning a course their Pastor’s wife created, but I didn’t remember it being offered by SCM. It looks very good. I am going to put this on my Christmas Wish List!

    I am going to expore the website link you shared as well.

    @Rachel, the Thomas Kindcaide AOP didn’t work for us. It was very basic. We sold it.


    @Rebekay, do you know which DVD has the rooster instruction on it? My 10YO, who is the most artistic in our family, would love this! It looks like pastels maybe? Thanks for mentioning this. I am strongly considering it. I need someone else to teach art! I just am not qualified!


    P.S. Doesn’t seem that expensive to me compared to what they charge around here for art instruction. With 5 students (and another who would want to tag along), it seems very reasonable!


    LDIMOM – you’re right, if you’re using it for multiple children in your family it is QUITE a steal. 

    Yes, this is the program I mentioned a while back, SCM did not carry it at that time, but I helped get the two of them together because the art videos to me, had so much the same feel as the handicraft videos from SCM – so now SCM is able to offer them!

    The Rooster Pastel is a level 2 video – I’m SURE your 10 year old could do it, especially if s/he’s worked with pastels before.  Like I said, my 6 year old did it – we shortened the lessons just a bit because it does have a bit more detail than the level 1 peaceful lake. 



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