Art classes: what do you look for?

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  • Monucram

    When your’e considering various art classes you may have to choose from, what do you look for?

    Do you think a once a week commitment, for a school year, is too long for an 8 y/o?


    Our dd has had a passion drawing since she was three. She loves to draw. She isn’t an exceptional artist but her passion is strong.


    Do you have specifics in mind when considering a class for your child? What are they? And if they don’t meet them, do you wait until they can?


     thanks for helping me think through this




    My daughter also loves to draw and I started her with the Draw Write Now series.  She wanted to do it every day, but we compromised and did it two or three times a week.  This year we will be going on to bigger and better things with a more “artsy” approach and more “formal” lessons (not that I know what I’m doing but I can learn too!)  If she really likes to draw I don’t think once a week is to much and she might want to do it more ofter.  And as for your last question, if say we have a lesson in shading or some such thing, and she doesn’t catch on very well to it, I would try it agian later in the year or the next year.  She’s young and you have lots of time! 


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