Are you familiar with the American Heritage dvds with David Barton?

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  • Kristina

    I just saw this series listed in the Family Christian flyer.  They’ll be on sale for $20 later this month (regularly $80).  Just wondering what you thought of them if you’ve viewed them? Would they be a good addition to a history study or valuable just for an adult to enjoy and learn more?


    My husband and I borrowed them from the library, and they were enjoyable and informative. I personally would not purchase them though-I felt like they leaned a little bit towards revisionist type history in the other extreme. (Meaning everyone was A Christian etc) It’s hard for me to put into words what I mean by that-We basically just felt like he (Barton) assumed ALL of our founding fathers were good, God-fearing Christian men, and I’m not entirely convinced that was always the case. I hope what I’m trying to say makes sense…


    I’ve heard the same thing as Threekidsmom, but haven’t looked at it indepthly.


    Thanks for the reviews.  I haven’t checked the library for them yet.  Maybe that’ll be my first stop.

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