Appropriate (Free?!) Current Events Resources?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Appropriate (Free?!) Current Events Resources?

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  • danceandbeglad

    My son is 11 and I’d really like to add current events to our daily schedule.  I just found BreakPoint website from the AO recommendation list, but was wondering what else any of you may use?  We do also view The Big Picture and last 24 hours in pictures, both of which were recommended from Ann Voskamp’s website.  I just don’t want my children to be as uninformed as I feel I have been, yet I don’t find it nec. to expose him to the daily murders, etc. if that makes sense?!

    We did purchase God’s World News last year but they ended up mostly laying around (maybe we could schedule these now that we’re using the Organizer?!) If you use these, do you think they are enough for this age? Still, there seems to be so much available online, and I just totally lack the knowledge and discernment in this area to provide appropriate and updated content for us to use. How much is necessary vs. going overboard in this dept?  Help anyone?!!  Thanks in advance.  


    We like from the Heritage Foundation. They have email newsletter too.


    We are so not there yet, so this might be a silly suggestion. Perhaps you could go to once a week and pull news stories you feel are appropriate for their current events studies. If you didn’t want them accessing the news stories online, you could print them and read them together or have Dad read the new with them one evening a week or something like that.

    Like I said, that might be a dumb suggestion, but I wouldn’t know where to turn for current events either!


    We get free newsletters and commentary from,, and   We all read various articles and then argue and discuss later.  I’d consider filtering for just one 11yo like Lindey suggests, possibly, and you taking some newsletters and deciding what to pass on.

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