My children are interested in learning more about animals (in general). Which would be better and why…. Apologia Land animals or Answers in Genesis God’s Design for Life?
I haven’t used AIG, or Land Animals, but we are using Apologia’s Astronomy course and if the rest of Jeannie Fulbrights books are as good as this one, I would reccomend it! My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE science with this book.
I compared the samples online and Apologia does look the best! If I order it do I just need one textbook or do I need one per child? The notebook pages appear to be on PDF that can be printed from their website. I did not see the Journal for Zoology 3 listed for sale.
We bought one book for our two sons who are using it. I alternate between reading aloud to them together, or having them read independently at different times.
I believe that the notebook pages you can print from Apologia’s website for free and the journal that you can buy are very similar. The journal I think has some additional things, like copywork, etc. but we’ve just been using the notebooking pages.
I have another related question. Apologia has five books for elementary ages (K-6) on their website. Does it matter which one you use? Could you just pick one that interests you and your children or do you have to go in order? I want to do 106 Days of Creation with my girls; but before we did that, could we do Exploring Creation with Botany with a 1st grader and K4?
I don’t think it matters which one you start with. They say that if you are going to do any of the animal ones (flying, swimming, or land) that you are supposed to start with Land Animals because it goes over the classifications of animals. But, I know people who have not done land animals and done fine with the others. Depending on the age of your kids you could briefly go over this information with them ifyou want to start with a different book. I think that if you print out the sample module for Land Animals it covers this stuff. If I remember correctly.
It’s the Apologia Flying Animals/Insects that has the animal classification stuff in it. And yes, it’s available free on the website should you start with another book (we started with fish). The Anatomy just released (or will be any time now), so now there are SIX of them!! They are phenomenal books, our whole family has learned so much from them.