APOLOGIA Science HS online classes (or some other help teaching?)

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  • Melanie32

    Rebekah-What grade will your daughter be in?

    Neither of my kids ever took physical science, honestly! We did General Science in 8th and skipped to Biology in 9th.

    I don’t think it’s necessary to repeat physical science unless your daughter really wants to. If you are planning on having her take physics later in high school, she will cover it all then. Another option would be to possibly use the free at your own pace class from Virtual Homeschool Group just for the chapters she skipped or had trouble with.



    She will be going into 9th grade next year.

    We actually did use the free virtual academy and she didn’t like it.  She really doesn’t want to retake PS, but I wasn’t planning on having her take physics.  Not sure what to do there.  A friend of mine suggested just going into biology next year and consider physical science for 10th.

    I’m believing the Lord will reveal the best thing to do ; )

    Thanks for all your wonderful advice and input. ; )


    Just to keep it real, my son didn’t take physical science or physics! 🙂 I don’t think that every child needs to take either one of these courses. It all depends on the student’s goals. My daughter will take physics simply because she wants to and we are using a living books approach with the Sabbath Mood physics guide. She doesn’t really need it for her after high school plans as she plans on starting at our local community college.


    My dd16 has/is taking:

    8th – physical science with lab (hs level)

    9th – apologia biology with lab

    10th-11th – chemistry with Dive online (started wth only loving books fall Term and didn’t like it and switched to dive)

    12th – likely a class at the local college via dual enrollment

    She will not take physics.


    I see that there are options for Apologia Biology classes, and Im very interested in Virtual Homeschool Co-op. Has anyone used this? Have you liked it? @Sue  I am interested in a class that has grading included! I don’t trust myself to follow-through with checking. I *think* the only thing is the J. Wile that includes grading. ($450 class). Catie Frates looks great, but no grading. For those of you who’ve done this curriculum, did you find a class where grading is included or did you just do it?


    Rachel White

    My son used Virtual Homeschool Group this past year and it was okay. Not as rigorous as it would have been in a Wile class, though.

    He’s doing labs using Greg Landry’s lab intensives, which go to different cities. He’ll do 2 days of labs.


    If you use Virtual Homeschool,  I suggest you require them study the vocabulary either the traditional way or with Quizlet and still take the end of chapter tests. They’re harder than what’s online. Also, work through the Notebook. The quizzes online take the place of the questions in tbe book, so the only grading for you would be tbe end-of-chapter tests and final grade.

    Or,  you could purchase the DVD of the Chemistry from Apologia. Even at full price, it’s only a fraction of a co-op class or an online one. Then, they could either do the labs with the DVD or use Greg Landry, if he comes close to where you live. The latter option would provide you less stress through the year.

    Rachel White

    BTW, there is grading at the Virtual Homeschool Group. There is automatic grading on the online quizzes (replaces the ‘on your own’ questions) and online tests.

    There is no vocabulary grading. This you could use Quizlet. I don’t know if there is auto-grading on Quizlet. I’ll check my account and see what happens. Of course, you could just do your own in writing which is easy to grade.

    If you use Landry’s lab intensive, he handles the lab grades.


    DD17 seemed to learn a lot (retaining it) from Virtual Homeschool Group, and it does auto-grade quizzes and exams, so there wasn’t much work for me to do.

    I agree that it would be a good idea to assign vocabulary study for each module.  You wouldn’t have to track those grades if you didn’t want to, just assign it for study purposes.  Quizlet lets a student know how well they did on quizzes, but I don’t recall if they keep track of the grades on your account.  (I just deleted our Quizlet records last week since my youngest will be graduating in a couple of months!)

    I did a quick search on Quizlet and found that there are many vocabulary sets already there for various Apologia Biology and Chemistry modules, so you might not even have to do the work of creating your own lists.



    My daughter is finishing up Biology with Catie Fraties this month.  Wow, I can’t express to you how much she has learned!!!  She is constantly relating what she has learned during so many of our daily conversations.  It’s been so much fun!  Catie is hilarious (my daughter’s words.)  She makes learning enjoyable and relatable.  We HIGHLY recommend her.

    As for grading, she goes over the answers for each test at the beginning of the video that follows the exam.  You don’t even need to have read the material.  She makes it very easy for you.



    Catie Fraties does look like a good teacher. I just didn’t have anyone I could ask questions to, to see if it would be a good fit or not.  Thank you for explaining the grading for the test. Are there quizzes? Are there answers given for those? Are there lab write-ups? I would think these would need to be graded? I know I have to decide these things soon, as registration is quickly approaching for these classes.

    Is there any way you could email me directly: kellywright006@gmail.com


    Has anyone done the Catie Frates classes? We started with the Biology this year, and are struggling. I’d like to ask some questions of someone who has done these classes. Her videos are amazing!


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