We are in our first year this year, doing Astronomy. My girls are grades 3 and 4. I can see from the list of subjects that we won’t be able to complete them all by the time I start them in General Science around grade 7 or 8. Which do you think are the most important subjects? They all look interesting, but which would you skip if you had to?
I would let them alternate picking… (oldest pick, then youngest, etc…. (decide who picks first based on the oldest moving to general science a year before the youngest….))
The one thing to keep in mind is that the first chapter in Zoology 1 needs to be done before Zoology 2 or 3…. it is the sample chapter on their website if they don’t want to do that one first – but you might just want to do that whole book before the others…
I would save the Anatomy and Physiology one – it’s pretty challenging. Beyond that it really depends on your kiddos. Do they adore animals or is there some interest in plants/botany? I would willingly skip one zoology to fit botany in.
I apologize that I’m stealing someone else’s post…
I was thinking about doing Apologia Zoology ?(the one on animals 🙂 However, I was also looking at the World of Animals encyclopedia that MFW offers. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this or both and could tell me what they think…
I agree with Tristan the Anotamy & Physiology one is tough. Like I save it and have my 6th graders do it as a starter to independent science in 7th grade. The other ones are all great. Some don’t take a year either so keep in mind you might be more than you think done in the next couple years.
The younger one really loves animals. I didn’t realize that the zoology series had to be done in order. And I agree, botany is a keeper. Maybe anatomy and physiology could be saved for high school then? I also think I read somewhere that general science should be started along with pre-algebra.
Melinda, you don’t really need to do the Zoology books in order, but the first chapter of the first book does cover the concept of Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, which is referred to in the other books. This would not be difficult to cover on your own, or just download the sample chapter that covers it from the Apologia website:
We skipped Zoo 1 because they wanted to do Zoo 2…I had downloaded chapter 1, but we ended up just discussing it briefly. They are doing just fine with Zoo 2.
So far I’ve just had them pick which one to cover, but DD will be in 6th next year and I’d like for her to do Botony or Anatomy next year…I think she wants to do more Zoology. I’m having a tough time working it out!