I found some info. from someone who has developed from the beginning their own curricula using the “bible” as the spine for everything and BJU just as a spine loosely for Earth sci. and used other good books.
She had qualms about Apologia. I don’t want to mention where this came from but would like to know what others think before I begin to get this science. I really respect this godly woman. I have her curricula. I wish I could make it all work. She just graduated her last of 5 children and she made up her own curricula along the way. Her specialty is English. She has a degree in English.
I am not saying that the authors or publishers are not Christian.BUT in my opinion, Apologia’s worse fault is …what they do not say! Saul might not have thrown a stone at Stephen, but He held the coats and watched as others did. I have taught my children that he was just as guilty of murder as those who did it I have used Apologia successfully (The parents in our co-op voted to use these texts over my objections.). There were a few statements such as this quote from the Apologia General Science book I did not agree with:
“If an organism is not a single-celled prokaryotic cell, not a single-celled eukaryotic cell, not a form of algae, not a fungus, and not a plant, then it is an animal and it belongs in kingdom Animalia. This tells us that most of the organisms with which we are familiar are animals. Earthworms, for example, are animals. Insects are animals. Fish are animals. Cats and dogs are animals. Birds are animals. In fact, from a biological point of view, even humans are a part of kingdom Animalia.” . This is why it is so important for you, the parent and teacher, to listen to your children’s music, aware of how they dress, read what they read, and watch who they hang with.
In fact the Apologia texts are great science tool…concepts and experiments on science principles are simple to understand and use. My biggest objection is that they state the secular view but do not make a strong defense for a Biblical or Creation view. And Apologia’s higher texts, it does not use Scripture giving God glory for His creation, design, & purposes. Again it is what they do not say that is important for parents and teachers to know!
My guess is that for many reasons (more sales= more money, less offensive to all including Christian denominations, etc.), they played it SAFE and decided not to express their or any Biblical views (good or bad) on the subject. Instead, Apologia states various secular/Biblical conclusions or theories very briefly.
Therefore like any “Christian” novel, movie, song, etc. that can be used by secular or any Christian audience, these science texts can easily be used in any school system or home and not be offensive.
But the gospel will be offensive to some… 1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with this approach to educating as long as you, the teacher and parent, KNOW it is lacking in Biblical truth and therefore can teach what God says about that subject.
In fact our approach is to teach and train student’s skills how to inductively (draw out the truth) study the Bible and any subject using critical thinking, research, and communication skills with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. Therefore I appreciate that I, the parent and the teacher, could expound Biblical views to my children without a religious slant in every text. Our job is to turn knowledge into understanding to Godly wisdom.
In fact, every discipline of education is biased … someone’s views are being taught….Atheist, Catholic, Protestant, Mennonite, Baptist, Calvinist, etc. This is why teaching your students to compare everything to the Word of God is important! So knowing the Word of God and other studies such as history, Englsih, literature, etc. and how to study each inductively (draw out the truth) becomes vital for the Christian faith. This is why our approach is so unique! Our curricula’s purpose is to know God, the method is Biblical discipleship, and the main text is the Bible.
In the case of science, there are many Christians who still hold to a full evolution view as taught them in school. Others believe bits and pieces of evolution ideas and theories depending on each’s knowledge and wisdom; I know I am still growing in this area. I had a friend using our curricula…she was a geologist…she explained to me that she believed in Genesis concerning the beginning of time except she still did not believe that a day was a 24 hr period… My son who was 12 and listening explained to her this scientific fact… a day is 24 hrs. and it takes 24 hrs for the earth to revolve around the sun. He also clarified that God had said He created each creation “in the morning and the evening of each day”…This Biblical truth confirms the scientific truth… the earth revolves around the sun in 24hrs. She turned white as a ghost and proclaimed, “Out of the mouths of babes I have been taught a Biblical and Scientific truth.” This is why there is so much controversy in the church…. depending on maturity of believer and knowledge of the Word, there are believers with every kind of doctrinal belief.
Again this is why knowing what you believe and why you believe it….is important! Our materials will teach you and your children to be Students of the Word!
This is not an article trying to condemn any of us for using Apologia…I used it…with knowledge and wisdom counting the cost of what I was doing and should do… Agreeing to use Apologia allowed me to teach a strong Biblical view with each class. I presented this compromise to the parents…I agree to use Apologia texts in our co-ops, only if I could present a Biblical view for 15 minutes at the end of each class. So when we used Apologia in our co-op, I was determined to teach God as the creator of all science, …Isn’t He the beginning and source of truth for everything good that was created and formed?
To do this I used Creation or Biblical resources including scripture from the Bible and asked questions such as … Who is the author of this concept or creation? What does man say about this? Does it contrast what God says about it? How does God want us to use this information? and How does this change the way we think and live in God’s World? I also used the testimonies of Christian scientists as a strong defense for a Biblical view .
I had an article written (but lost in the crash)… “Why we do not believe man should be categorized as an animal but classified in his own kingdom…Humanalia.” In fact my sons did a science fair exhibit & report on “Reclassifying Humans” and though they did not win any ribbons for it (I explained to them that this truth even if presented as a theory, would not be accepted in the science world. We did it to strengthen our faith and for evangelistic reasons), there was a crowd around their booth wanting to know more. Another year we did “Proof of a World Wide Flood” and another, “In the beginning …There was God.”I agree with Apologia that we should teach not only Biblical view but all world views. In fact the Bible is not afraid of exposing world views on any subject, immorality, witch craft, etc. Concerning Apologia’s scientific statement that we are of the Animalia Kingdom and it’s lack of presenting Biblical truth that God has put us in a classification or category separate of animals concluding that humans should be classified in a separate kingdom, Humanalia.One of many arguments for this Biblical truth is … Similarities in creation- But just because much of creation is made of the same minerals such as calcium, iron, etc., does not make us a rock. It just makes the Creator more powerful,creative, and resourceful. And unlike the rest of creation, the Bible declares humans were made and formed by God’shands into the likeness of His image and He breathed life into our bodies and we were given dominion over the animals and made to have special fellowship with God for eternity! No other of His creation were given that choice and privilege!
I am planning to write this article and more for our blog explaining the difference between World vs Biblical views and the importance of teaching and training our children to distinguish the two. Our children will have to discern “How as Christians should we live, if we believe the Bible is Truth?” This will concern every aspect of life… music, dress, education, vocation, health, etc. Satan is very cunning and disguises himself as an angel of light.
Conclusion… In my opinion, if you are going to use Apologia texts, I recommend spending at least 30 minutes after each chapter reading an article or bio of a Christian scientist, watching a dvd, and discussing the Biblical views vs world views on the subject.
I didn’t read the full article on that link but I will say one thing. The author for the Exploring Creation Through….. books were written by Jeannie Fulbright. I am a part of her yahoo group and have read coming straight from her what she believes and what she writes about in her series’. However, the upper level science books (the general science book sited in the article included) are written by Jay Wile. My children are still young so I have a while to worry about this but I read a few things about him via the internet awhile back that red flagged him for me. I will have to do more research when the time comes. That being said, each family has to pray and make the best decision for them. I love and have no problem with Jeannie’s books that are published by Apologia. We have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. However, when the time comes for high school levels, I will likely switch to a different curriculum. Researching writers and publishers for the curriculum we use to teach our kids is something I have always done and will continue to do. However, what we decide as a family is good for us but may not work for others.
I haven’t used Jay Wile’s books much more because I don’t like textbooks than for what is or is not in them. I have listened to Jay speak and I know where he comes from. You might be interested in reading his book, Reasonable Faith which talks of his testimony and how difficult it is to be a Christian in the science field. Also, Jay Wile sold his Apologia company a few years back, so although he did write the original texts, I am not sure he has much to say about additions or revisions since then. Food for thought, anyhow..
I would agree with the blog poster that we should teach our children what the Bible says and how to be discerning in what they read, hear, and see. All of the books, excepting the Bible, that we use for school and enjoyment are written by sinful, fallible man.
Classification is used by scientists to group like organisms together. These groupings show common features, but don’t make a statement as to who we are as persons. Remember that if your child is going on to college, even a Christian college, he will most likely need to take a science course no matter what his degree will be in. He will need to have a good understanding of classification according to the world of science.
Dr. Jay Wile, author of Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Biology, addresses this issue directly:
Although you might object to being classified with monkeys, apes, and the like, you actually have several characteristics in common with these mammals. All primates have good depth perception. In addition, the size of a primate’s brain is large compared to its body size. Most primates are omnivorous, although the vast majority of primates concentrate on eating vegetation and only occasionally meat. All primates have nails on their fingers and toes, and all but one type (spider monkeys) have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. Most have opposable thumbs. Primates have long gestation periods for aniimals of their size, and they are highly social.
Now, even though we have many characterisitics in common with apes and monkeys, there is no reason to think that we are related to them. That is the mistake that evolutionists make. They see similarities between animals and immediately think that these similarities come from common genes in a common ancestor. As we learned in Module #9, however, all genetic information that we have been able to acquire indicates that this simply isn’t the case. The similarities among animals are the result of a common Designer, not a common ancestor.
Some people not only object to the fact that humans are classified in order Primates, but they also object that we are in kingdom Animalia. Instead, these people want a sixth kingdom solely for human beings. However, this just does not make sense. Humans share all of the characteristics of mammals. Why, then, would you not put them in Mammalia in the kingdom Animalia? Some would say that this implies that human beings are “animals” and that this demeans the status of human beings, who are made in the image of God. However, that’s only true if you are referring to the common usage of the term “animal.” The fact is, scientific terminology is much more precise than common terminology, and when a scientist says “animal,” it means something quite different from when a nonscientist uses the term. By putting human beings in kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, and order Primates, we are simply stating the obvious fact that human beings have features in common with other organisms classified the same way. This does not imply anything about how human beings were created. Human beings were created in the image of God, and that makes us unique. Of course, this is why we have our own genus species, Homo sapiens. (2nd edition, pp. 525-526)
I think that it isn’t as much as the classifying of us with animals that concerned me But instead….
What do you think below?
In fact the Apologia texts are great science tool…concepts and experiments on science principles are simple to understand and use. My biggest objection is that they state the secular view but do not make a strong defense for a Biblical or Creation view. And Apologia’s higher texts, it does not use Scripture giving God glory for His creation, design, & purposes. Again it is what they do not say that is important for parents and teachers to know!
My guess is that for many reasons (more sales= more money, less offensive to all including Christian denominations, etc.), they played it SAFE and decided not to express their or any Biblical views (good or bad) on the subject. Instead, Apologia states various secular/Biblical conclusions or theories very briefly.
Therefore like any “Christian” novel, movie, song, etc. that can be used by secular or any Christian audience, these science texts can easily be used in any school system or home and not be offensive.
But the gospel will be offensive to some… 1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with this approach to educating as long as you, the teacher and parent, KNOW it is lacking in Biblical truth and therefore can teach what God says about that subject.
Cyndi, have you READ the Apologia texts? I have, and there certainly seems like plenty of good basic Creation viewpoint. The point of the entire course is to enable students, including the college-bound, to understand BOTH the normal and the Biblical view so that they can with confidence discuss these issues in college and in life. There is not a ton of scripture in the actual science chapters it’s true, but I think the clear expectation is that a high school student will already KNOW what the scripture says. What they need now is the scientific information. That’s what the books have. They need to understand the details and how the actual scientific evidence points to the truth and not to the world’s ideas. If the kids don’t know the scripture by then I would certainly expect that you ought to teach that. Do you have any idea what the size of the books is? They are huge. They need that college-prep material in them. I have a Bible. I can point out Bible verses without it being in the text of the science book. My son who is here says they talk about the Flood and other events, as if the student already knew about them. They aren’t Biblical primers, they are college-prep science texts. I know that what we did before we began the Apologia high school level books included the basics, we’ve been over them many many times, from the Bible, from other sources intended for children from publishers such as AIG. What I want for high school is the high school level science info, not another Bible course. The courses aren’t so much LACKING in Biblical truth as they are already ASSUMING it. If you’ve never taught a single word about creation to your kids, I do think it possible that Apologia science books alone would not be enough; but my assumption is that most of us are not going to be INTRODUCING creationism in the ninth grade.
I must say I am learning much from this thread. My kids are elementary grades and I can say without a doubt that those Apologia books are dripping with creationism! Actually that’s why we love them. There are several times so far (we have only used 2) that the books lightly show the secular worldview and then shows how God’s creation completely disproves it. In most all chapters there is a “creation confirmation” section that show how the secular worldview cannot be at all possible. I have never looked at any of the higher level courses and maybe I should. However, I can say that after a solid biblical foundation, I want my children to know what the secular viewpoint is so they can both share and defend their beliefs.
Dr. Jay Wile had to “approve” Jeannie’s books; so they were approve of by him, which also reveals to you much of his view point.
BTW, he has separated from publishing or involving himself with the company he sold Apologia to due their different doctrine/theology vision and direction for the company.
I do believe he (Wile) is about equipping young adults with the information to successfully manuever through the science world. I think Michelle put it beautifully and accurately. Dr. Wile doesn’t want young adults to be ignorant of the secular/evolutionist views that surround them, but to be able to think through all sides, engage others and stand firm on Biblical ground. By HS, children should be able to enter into to that world while stilll livng in the security of home instead of waiting until college to enter that world and being thrown off kilter as another statistic (even Christian colleges aren’t safe from secularism spewing from the professors ).
it does not use Scripture giving God glory for His creation, design, & purposes. Again it is what they do not say that is important for parents and teachers to know!
KNOW it is lacking in Biblical truth and therefore can teach what God says about that subject
This is very important to me and wondered why this is the case? I want something that isn’t “just” science but God’s Word is the source of that science so why not quote scripture. She says it doesn’t. I haven’t seen the books as yet.
I want something that uses scripture alot giving God the glory for His creation, design & purposes. This is the point I was trying to get at.
Cyndi, I have to agree with Bookworm and some of the others – the Apologia texts even though we have only used a couple of them are outstanding if your teen is hoping to go on to college. I always found Jay Wile to be fair in explaining both points of view, and that is one reason I liked the books. My girls know the Creation Biblical points, they don’t need that in a textbook – they need to know the science that will be expected in further education should they go. I have always believed that it is very hard to defend faith when you don’t know the other side of the argument, so we taught evoloution secondary to our Biblical views and then we could teach the girls how to discern the truth. To be honest the books are so thorough, and big, that if every point was also given space to explain the Biblical viewpoint, not only would it take forever to complete, but it would detract from the science within the pages. If the book is not to someone’s liking that is fair enough, but I certainly would not say it is a book that ignores the Bible and Creation – I think it does a fine job in the context of what the book is supposed to be about. In the high school years, teens should know the Biblical truths and if they don’t they should be taught pronto, but I would teach that as a Biblical course. I think I will beg to differ with the lady who found the book problematic, as I do not think Jay Wile has done anything wrong – but that is ok – we all need to discern what is right for our families, and you have brought something to the forum and put forth a differing opinion which is great – so don’t apologise – that is what we are about, learning about things from each other and choosing in the end what is good for our own situations. Bless you – Linda:)))
That if every point was also given space to explain the Biblical viewpoint, not only would it take forever to complete, but it would detract from the science within the pages.
I think that beside his science if he didn’t explain the biblical viewpoint as you said, but just quoted scripture to back it up is all. I think that is the point she was making. I just think it was an important point but I know nothing is perfect. She thought Answers In Genesis does this more and I think I’m going to check out their science books.
The Apologia Science books by Fulbright are excellent. We have used Rod and Staff Textbooks and find them to be economical and Scripture enriched. Bob Jones (BJU) science textbooks in the upper grades are rigorous and very Biblical. We have their Life, Earth, and Biology texts. They take more prep work and supplies than Apologia, but we like them here. I also recommend Signs and Seasons by Jay Ryan for astronomy. This book discusses the origins of the calendar and seasonal patterns in the night sky…from a Christian worldview.
I appreciate this conversation and have to agree with bookworm, rachel and missing – by HS I hope that my kids are well established in there faith and bible truths.
I plan on using them and feel that it will be a good fit. But everyone knows that we all have to make the best decisions for our family. That is God’s plan!