Hope you wouldnt mind sharing your opinions and experiences… Im still trying to decide which one to go with for Science. I have a 7, 11 and 13 year old.
Thank you for any input you may to share… its greatly appreciated!!
Our kids love Apologia – and me too! Our twelve, ten and eight year olds have learned a lot. The sections are manageable and interesting, with plenty of good information without being overwhelming. We also work through the notebooking journals for the elementary levels, which the kids really enjoy. Our twelve year old is very science minded, and Apologia is rich enough for him, and our eight year old had no interest in science until we started Flying Creatures – now she loves it too. Our six year old also enjoys listening, and has learned plenty that way. There are samples on their website for each of the books.
I run a CM co-op and this past year we used Apologia Astronomy and everyone enjoyed it.
For the 2010-2011 year, we looked at both and still chose Apologia (Botany for 3rd-5th and Anatomy for 6th-8th). Our leadership felt that God’s Design was dry in comparison and that Apologia was meatier.
I know others enjoy God’s Design, this is just our experience.
This year, 4th grade, we used both. We did Apologia Astronomy and then God’s Design Planet Earth. (Although we just started Madam How and Lady Why, which my son really likes.) Next year the plan is to do Apologia Swimming Creatures (son’s choice) and God’s Design Weather and Water.
We like Apologia better, but there is some good info in the GD books and it’s a little change of pace. They do feel a bit more “classroom like,” but they are short concise lessons and definitely affirm the Creator.
We’ve never used God’s Design. We have used Apolopia from the start with my dd. She loved all the elementary books and still reads the ones she has completed. Right now she is in General Science and is really enjoying that one too. My 8yods enjoys watching her do the experiments. I will start him on Astronomy later this year or early next when he matures a little more.
We love Apologia and are on the 4th book. This is all we have used and I have not looked at GD because of the love of Apologia. These are very much full of information but not to much. They have pictures that are great for my visual learners and there are experiements/exercises that you can do or not do. We’ve done this in a variety of ways. Misty My children are boys 11, 10, 8, 6 &3.5 (my girl is 15 months and could care less LOL)
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