Apologia Jr High/HS science

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  • Misty

    I really like Apologia science. I would like to know what books you used and what grade you did it. Thanks just trying to see how much everyone does and at what point. Also, if you could say orally – written – all questions or something like tests only…



    blue j

    We have used Apologia and Biology 101.  Generally the order in our home is that which is recommended on the website for Apologia.  This year my 9th grader is using Biology 101 as the basis and I’ve added labs, and other experiments (some I’ve taken right out of the Apologia book) as well.

    I have done oral narrations, written narration, asked them to do the OYO questions (especially when it involves formulas (think Chemistry)), and have them do the tests as well.  However, I also expect oral narration at the end of quarter, semester, and year end CM “testing”. 


    So you do

    7- General


    9- Biology



    Does that look right? My son is doing MUS and I see he would be through 10th grade with this outlook. But in 11th with physics he would not have geometry/trigonometry done yet. But would be doing it. Do you still think this would work?




    Misty, I hope you get some answers!  We use MUS and Apologia and I always just assumed it would line up (my oldest is only in 6th).  I talked to an Apologia rep. once and he recommend doing Phys. Sc. at the same time as Pre-Alg., and Biology w/Algebra.  It can vary, but I see the typical sequence as:

             MUS            APOL.

    7th    Pre-Alg.         Gen. Sc.

    8th    Alg. I             Phy. Sc.

    9th    Geom.           Biology

    10th   Alg. II           Chem.

    11th   Pre-Calc/Trig.  Physics

    I see it lining up fine until Physics. I just read one statement (by a mom) that sine/co-sine/tangent should be learned before Physics so I checked the MUS site and those aren’t learned until Pre-Calc/Trig. in 11th…so I understand your concern!  I hope others pipe in because I just don’t know if they can be done at the same time:) Hope so! Gina


    blue j

    No, he will definitely need the math unless he’s REALLY strong in math… even if he is very strong, it’s really much better to take the math first.

    And the order we have done it, currently are doing it, is Biology, Chemistry, Advanced Biology, then Physics depending upon the child.  But that’s just us, and dd is not interested in Physics.


    I have a question about the math/science lineup, but started a new thread in the interest of not hijacking this post – I’d love your insight!



    We used the Apologia Science just as you have it written above.  My oldest is doing Physics this year.  We did the books mostly as written.  The student completes the OYO and the Study guide and he does the labs and tests. In the JH years he did some notebooking as well but it wasn’t helpful for him and he felt it was a waste of time so I did not require it in High School. We did very little narration in Science.   But that’s just our family.  I could see narration being good for the student for long term memory.

    As far as the math — my son uses Saxon and he began the Advanced Math(this comes after Alg I & II — it is the older edition so the geometry is included throughout all three texts) textbook this year.  I believe he did have some sin,cos,and tangent in the Alg. II book so the math has worked out just fine for him. I don’t know the scope and sequence of MUS but they do use sin,cos, and tan in Physics.



    My boys are doing

    9th Biology

    10th Chemistry

    11th Physics

    12th Further advanced physics (but not using the Apologia advanced physics as we couldn’t understand it)

    We are all really ahead in math.  My current 10th grader is finishing precalc and he will be fine for physics next year.  There IS a little basic trig at the end of geometry.  I do believe that at least having the first few weeks of Trig down would be better for physics; the Apologia book does teach some basics but oh, it’ll be much easier if you have had it more thoroughly explained!  But also, you can teach the basics in a few weeks right before starting Physics and then go back to wherever you are also. 


    Bookworm, so are the Trig. basics you’d need for Physics actually covered in the first 3 lessons of MUS Trig.?  Thanks!  Gina


    You need lessons 1-6.


    Thanks, I’ll file that away in my future planning file:)


    Ok what did I do wrong? My 8th grader will only in pre-algebra? Why are all yours in pre-algebra in 7th? I am a year behind? Did I miss the boat somewhere?

    Now that will really cause me problems wont it?

    So I have my 7th grader who is in Zeta this year doing General Science.

    So what would you suggest it to look like in the following years? HELP I thought I was doing good??? :0(

    I am using MUS. Just to note that.


    Misty, you didn’t fall off the bus.  You are FINE.  You need algebra in 9th grade before Chemistry in 10th.  Pre-algebra in 8th is fine.  My kids are weird.  One of them did Zeta in three months.  <shrug>  I don’t know why!  LOL  My middle son is just really, really fast at math.  He’s only a sophomore and already almost done with pre-calc.  I don’t know what I’m going to even do with him next year because it turned out I’m too dumb to teach the calculus and I don’t want to send him to the community college until 12th.  Sigh.  You ARE doing good, you are just fine, don’t worry, my kids are outliers in some things. 


    So how do I get the books in science in? What should it look like?

    I was thinking this would be ok…

    8th – Pre-Algebra & General Science

    9th – Algebra I & Physical Science

    10th – Geometry & Biology

    11th – Algebra 2 & Chemistry

    12th was open.. is it necessary for Physics

    Does this look ok? Or will they need those extra science classes?

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