Apologia Instructional DVD's

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  • csmamma

    Have any of you used the Apologia instructional DVD’s? My 14yo ds is heading into Biology. I think he’d do well with these as he’s very visual and enjoys lectures. However, they are quite expensive. Not sure if its worth the price for greater retention of the course. If you’ve used them, I’d like to hear your opinions. Thanks ~ Heather


    I take it no one has used these? Just thought I’d bump the post incase someone missed it. Thanks!


    I didn’t even know they had these, Heather.  Sorry!  They must be fairly new.  For a visual learner, I would DEFINITELY recommend the multimedia CD.  It’s inexpensive.  I personally wouldn’t pay that for lectures when I have a perfectly good book to use, but it sure might help some learners, so.  Sorry no one seems to have tried them yet!


    Thanks Michelle! Wink

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