Apologia flopped – considering Abeka and have questions

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Apologia flopped – considering Abeka and have questions

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    I just received Apologia General Science for ds13 and after I looked it over, as well as ds, we both decided this was not for him.  Way too much text, too wordy, not enough visual.  So we looked at Abeka samples.  He finds it much more appealing visually, as well as the writing style.

    So my question:

    Has anyone used Abeka CM style?  I’m thinking I’ll probably use the chapter questions as jumping off points for narration or just have him write the answers.  And I’d like to only get the text and the answer key to the text.  Is the TM necessary if we do this in the spirit of CM?


    Thank you.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I personally did Abeka science in middle school with just the student text and the teacher text just for answers. I think that’s all that’s necessary. I would do some narration and discussions and not always read and answer the questions if you used Abeka, but I think you can make it work. I remember liking it.</p>


    Thanks Roslyn! 🙂

    I’m actually not sure what we’re going to do at this point.  I found some older threads on here discussing Apologia (specifically the General) and how some said it wasn’t a good fit for their student while others said that yes, the first few modules are kinda rough, but it gets better.  Plus, it’s a good intro to more demanding work.  And prepares for college well.

    I’m just confused at this point honestly.  He’s not a science-y guy in general.  I don’t know if college is even in this one’s future.  Not for lack of intelligence but more because it just doesn’t suit him.  I’m hoping to make a decision soon as we’ll be starting back in the next week or so.

    For anyone reading this, I’m all ears if you want to put your 2 cents in about Apologia General and up or Abeka.



    I went from abeka middle school science to Apologia biology by Dr While with no problems…Another idea.  My sister did abeka science in highschool also and now has a nursing degree. She did go to a 2 year college first, but science knowledge wasn’t a problem.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hmm…sounds like they are both viable options.  I wish I had Abeka sitting on my table beside the Apologia book. Seems like that would make it easier to decide. lol</p>


    You may be able to find one used? Also christian book distributers shows lots of pages. Abeka also has free hotel meetings….


    Personally, our family really likes the Real Science-4-Kids program. It’s full of colorful images and has larger text for easy reading, and the science isn’t watered down either. They have a really good grade-based program called the Building Blocks of Science. I like this review if it’s something you want to learn more about.


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