Apologia Elementary, Real Science 4 Kids, or Another?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Apologia Elementary, Real Science 4 Kids, or Another?

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  • my3boys

    @momof3, my 3rd/4th grader had his own program going, but he still wanted to follow along with his younger bro. when we used Outdoor Secrets. He also likes/loves nature study, basically he loves all things nature, science, fun, crafty, whether it’s in reading about it or doing it, you get what I mean, I’m sure.

    106 Days is wonderful for combining age/grade levels, which I plan to use in the future with my younger set.


    Thanks everyone for your wonderful thoughts.

    I’ve decided in the end to go for neither RS4K or Apologia this year.  I’m someone who is trying to move away from classical more towards CM, and bringing more calm and a ‘quiet learning time’ into our family.  This thread has been really helpful for me as I’ve prayed it over, and I’ve realised that in order to help me acheive this goal, I need to simplify and focus more on nature study and time outdoors.  I’m planning to use Outdoor Secrets alongside living books and revisit RS4K next year.

    Thanks again



    Sounds like a great plan.  We have enjoyed Outdoor Secrets and loved the SCM 106 Days book.  We also enjoy just reading lots of living books – there are some wonderful picture and story books at this age.  We’d pick a topic and find books and watch videos and draw pictures and try to find it in ‘real life’.  


    You might also think about Considering God’d Creation. We are planing on using that this year for our kids who are 10 and under.


    I want to say thank you to the original poster of this question and also to all who took the time to reply to her and to me as well. This post has been very helpful!


    I’m glad it was helpful. It’s been enormously helpful to me, and I’m so grateful to all those who replied.


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