However, for Chemistry, I am not seeing the list of items needed for each lesson. I’ve always used these lists and found these very helpful as it helps me with planning to have the common household items ready.
Does anyone know of a list to save me the time of going through and writing out the needed supplies?
I did check on Apologia’s site (with the password) but did not find a list there.
No, I don’t know of one. I did this myself and it took so little time I didn’t even keep the paper I wrote it on, although I’ll be doing it again next year. 🙂 Sorry!
Oh, and Donna Young does not have a real schedule for Physics–just one for a co-op. But I’m not a co-op. So if anyone wants the one I typed up, I DO have it still! LOL And a supply list cross-referenced for Physics, Biology, and God’s Design for Earth Science, and then divided up by store. LOL
There is a list of all needed supplies for the labs in the back of the book in Appendix C starting on page 585 in the second edition of Exploring Creation with Chemistry book. The supplies are listed in module order. I usually just take a look at the list when my kids are nearing the end of a module so I know what supplies I need to get ready for the next one.
Karen- That threw me off….I only looked in the front of the book, which is where all the other lists have been in the other books…talk about a creature of habit.
Seriously, today was the first time I had a chance to look at the Chemistry book and only briefly.
I may type up a list if I have time, since I’ll still have all the other children to go through this book. Or maybe I’ll just make a copy of the list. I’ll have to check the info at the front of the book if it’s okay to copy for my own personal use.