Anyone using Teaching Textbooks?

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  • I have a friend who uses this and she really likes it. I’m curious if anyone else has experience or opinions on this option for math. It seems well organized and looks as though it would be helpful in the later years where I might have a hard time helping. What do you think? Thanks!!!

    Hi we have used Teaching Textbooks, and here is my humble opinion.  I think it can be a very good thing to use, but after a year with the pre algebra, we went back to a textbook format and worked with our daughters as this worked better for them.  They are not really great at math, and they appreciated, lots of practise and one on one tuition with us – they did not find enough explanation or practise with TT.  So we used Bob Jones for Algebra, and Jacobs for Geometry and they did a lot better.  We also used some video courses for extra explanation from the Teaching Company and a DVD course by Dr Callaghan that goes with Jacobs Geometry.  Using those things we found the girls did pretty well.  Kids who are good at math would perhaps do really well with TT and maybe others have had better experiences than we have, but it was not a good fit for us.  Fortunately my husband studied aerospace engineering in collge, so he is very good at math, my history degree is not helping me at all lol!!  So he helps them the most.  I hope others have better answers for you.  Linda

    We tried TT5, and it made more work for me with him being on the computer. My son is one who rushes to just get it done, and the first week he failed 4 of the days because he didn’t listen to the lecture he just wanted it done.  If your child is not mature or self-motivated I would not really recommend it.  I would rather have a good textbook, we went with BJU Math instead and my youngest does Horizons Math.


    Hi, I am using TT Pre-algebra for 1 child, and TT Math 7 for another child, and so far i do like them, this is our first year using TT.  We have used Saxon,Abeka,Singapore, BJU, with the different kids,, I do like a textbook which TT Pre-algerbra has and you work from it (you watch the lecture on the CD) and do the work on paper from the textbook, and the textbook has the lecture in it word for word, so its easy to help them when they get stuck,,,The TT math 7 is all done on the computer (they do have a textbook also), you type in your answer and it checks the answer and grades it all (which i love!) but if they dont listen to the lecture cause they think they know it then that could lead to lower grades, i tell him to make sure he listens to the lecture first in case he shows a different way to do something you have already been taught and it might be an easier or better way to do it! ,,,Im not great at math but my husband is super good at it and he thinks it would be easier on me to have them be taught it from the computer CD(high school math) and me just help when needed (i dont like higher level math!), so thats what were doing this year, will see how it goes this year then decide for next year..hope that helps! billiejo


    I use the workbook for my 12 year old and he loves it!  He doesn’t like the cds.  Last year he did Pre-Algebra and this year he is doing Algebra.  He reads the lesson and then sometimes we do the practice problems together and sometimes he does them on his own.  He rarely does the other problems because it is too much repeat and work for him.


    My 12 year old daughter uses this.  This is our second year.  We made the transition because I am not good at math and I really like how you can put the cd in, let it teach the lesson, then they put it into practice with the workbook, then we correct it.  Any that she gets wrong we plug the cd back in and watch the problem completely worked out.  She then understands what she did wrong.  We do watch the cd before the lesson every time.  They teach short cuts and in my opinion really helps to understand the concepts.  If there are areas where I think she needs more practice (fractions come to mind) we just use MEP year 7 which is online, free, and gives the answers.  Oh by the way she is using the Pre-Algebra one.

    We have used TT for the last couple of years and really like it.  My 2 oldest dc who have used it have used Pre-Algebra, Algebra 2, and pre-Calculus.  They both are good (not great) at math but both hate it.  When we started using TT they both loved it and said they enjoyed math and understood it finally.  We used ABeka math before finding TT and still use ABeka elementary math for my younger ones.  We will just transfer over to TT once they hit Pre-Algebra.  Sorry I can’t help you out with the younger grades.


    Thank you all for your opinions. I am still undecided but I am currently using Math U see and I’m concerned about the higher levels as well. We shall see…

    Betty Dickerson

    We have used TT for 3 years now and LOVE it.  I am not good at math and really struggled to help my children when they ran into trouble.  Also, I just didn’t want to spend my whole day going from child to child with math (I’d rather be reading to them!).  There were many, many tears over math in our home. 

    Teaching Textbooks has eliminated that!  It is so thorough that the kids really do get a good foundation.  I chose it for that reason.  I wanted to make sure before moving to pre-algebra that my daughter would have a strong foundation in basic math.  TT has helped with this.  I do check up on the kids every once in a while.  I make them re-do a lesson in the book if they get less than 90% on a lesson.  I get on their case if I see they are not viewing the problem solution to problems they get wrong.

    There is alot of review each year with the math.  It’s taught in layers.  Each year the layer goes a little deeper.  But the amount of work is not burdensome to my children (I think it’s just 2 pages) and sometimes they choose not to listen to the lecture.  But in the grades before pre-algebra, the computer automatically grades each lesson as they enter it in, so I see right away if they need more review on certain types of problems. 

    I never have to beg my children to do their math.  There are no more tears.  I’m freed up to read or work with a different subject.  So for us it’s been a tremendous blessing!

    I am using MUS with my 5yo and we do love it.  I think I will switch her over to TT at 3rd or 4th grade (TT should have those levels available by the time we get there).  That’s my plan for now.


    My teen daughters are used this last year and found it very helpful, until hitting fractions.  Then it became confusing to both of them…

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