Anyone using "Elementary Geography" by CM or "Long's home geography"?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography Anyone using "Elementary Geography" by CM or "Long's home geography"?

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  • jenhorsfall

    I am new to CM/ SCM and have been combing a bit of SCM with some ideas from AO.  Is anyone/has anyone used Elementary Geography/ Long’s Home geography for 1st grade to teach the general principles of geography?  I am beginning Module 6 for the first time with SCM for 11th grade and 1st grade boys.  Any thoughts for the 1st grader?  Will the geography taught in the module give him the basics of geography or do I need to supplement?  Please help!



    Richele Baburina

    Hi jenhorsfall,

    Both Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography and Longs are great resources, as are SCM’s modules. There are a few reasons I would encourage everyone to use CM’s first geography book (and in order, using the whole book, not just pull out lessons as AO does) is that 1)this is how Charlotte Mason made an abstract concept like time into something concrete that a child could grasp and 2)Charlotte recognized that small things may teach great. Elementary Geography is where children meet the wonders of their own vicinity in the outdoor geography walks and the elementary concepts in geography found in CM’s book also support the child’s work in mathematics; e.g., pacing distances, direction finding with a compass, reading maps, drawing a room to scale. I’ll bet your 11th grader will love it as much as your 1st grader. It’s on our schedule once a week.




    We are using Elementary Geography for dc 7 & 5.5 and enjoying it so far.  We are on lesson 10 and we use it 1x week.  CM recommends going through it twice…not sure if we’re going to do it twice.  We’ll try to coordinate the SCM modules geography sections to our history (TQ) next year.  


    We used CM Elementary Geography for K/1st and really enjoyed it.


    Fastforward…..I am currently reading aloud A Child’s Geography of the World by V M Hillyer for 3rd/4th.  I highly recommend this as well.  We love it!





    We also love CM’s Elementary Geography. We were following the AO schedule but somehow find that simply using CM’s first and then maybe next year Long’s then perhaps once through again would be a better approach. Still working out those details. I, too, really enjoy Hillyer’s CGOW … I hope to have my oldest read it next year in 5th grade. 🙂


    Thank you for your replies 🙂  So, what I think I’m hearing is that it is normal to do CM’s Geography along side SCM’s modules?  Including SCM’s geography within the module?  So we would do geography 2x a week?


    Module work is once per week. It takes very little time. Fitting in another time for CM’s Geography would be wonderful!


    What do you mean its once a week?  I see it scheduled for 5 days?


    The module guide schedules Bible 1-3 times a week depending on the module, history 1-2 times a week depending on the module, and geography is one time a week. 

    If you choose to not use the guides, the Visits to… series are written one lesson per week for a total of 36 lessons per book. The lessons will include map drill, making your own maps, living books, and seeing what a family from various countries eat and how they live.


    Has anyone used Long’s Home geography?  Whats the difference between CM Geography and Long’s?



    I have used Long’s a little this year. Very short lessons and covers landforms and some elementary science topics i.e. dew, steam, etc. so far. It’s usually not more than 5-10 minutes discussion. I think it is very similar to CM Geography from what I have seen. Here’s the link for Home Geography:

    I also use SCM Visits to Africa for my DS11 2x a week which she is doing great with learning the countries and we play 10 Days in Africa a game from Rainbow Resource.


    In using Elementary Geography how did you discuss the first few sections that talk about England?


    I am using both this year with my kids ages 8 & 9. It is just amazing how much they have learned and also sad how much they weren’t getting in public school.  This has been a year of geography for us as I was kinda trying to catch them up to speed and I didn’t know what had been covered and what had not. I didn’t do any formal science this year and so these also would fit as science as well in some case such as the water cycle etc. I really love them both. I do CM’s on 1st school day, CC Long’s on 2nd school day, Ann VosKamp’s A Child’s Geography on the 3rd day of school, and on the 4th day we do map work. Knowing what I know now about both resources, I would probably start with CC Long’s first….The reading can be longer, but it is written in a more simpler form and it is readings with poems and is very laid back and gentle. Then I would move onto CM’s Elementary for 2nd mainly because the poems are pretty heavy, (my kids don’t always get them) and also because there are direct review questions that I think a 1st grader would be a bit stressed about, but by 2nd grade could find quite fun. I also like the Vos Kamp book, but it is way more in depth and is for 3rd-4th grader. next year we are going to be doing Seabird, Minn of Mississippi, Tree in the Trail etc….

    Both are lovely books and my kids have enjoyed them. I learned how to pull them up using my son’s WiiU onto the tv, so they could read along with me and see the pictures.  Also, kids wanted a test like the public school kids were getting so I used a lesson from the geography by drawing a room floor plan and cutting it into puzzle pieces…I marked a certain location with a treat btw. Once they answered each question correctly or they told me all they knew about a certain book sufficiently, then they received a puzzle piece and in the end had to put it together ad use the map to find their reward. they loved it and I am assured they can read a map! LOL   So, either one you choose to use, will be a pleasure for you both.  HTH


    Is CM’s Elementary Geography the same as The Geographic Readers by Charlotte Mason?


    To answer my own question, in case anyone else wants to know, yes, they are the same.  🙂

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