I did a search and discovered these and thought I’d share.
They are both written by the same person. I think this would work for my 6 year old. The second title would probibly work better for an older child. Anyone tried this before?
Here are some other good living science books you may also like. They are by Arthur Ransome, author of the Swallows and Amazons series of books. He is an excellent writer who is enjoyed by children and adults alike.
My son loves the Thornton Burgess books. Amazon has most all of them in their 4 for 3 promotion and all the Dover Publications ones are around $2 ea. so you can get 3 of the small paperbacks for around $6. I would post a link like the rest of you have done, but I am not that technically savvy
Thanks for the link to that site – they have some good deals! Just FYI if you are REALLY into Burgess (like my son seems to be) there are some other titles published by different companies than Dover that are offered on Amazon. They are not the “cheap” ones but they are in the 4 for 3. My little guy is a bit obsessed – he cried at the end of one of the books, not because it was sad, but because he didn’t want it to be over – so we’re reading it again 🙂
Thanks for all of the great living book suggestions! I am a bit green to putting this together so I have a few questions. Can I schedule these readings into our school day and have my daughter narrate or use a narration cube and consider our grade 1 science taken care of? I can have her draw a picture for each story and add some copywork. Should I add a seperate science to this or would that be enough?
A narration cube aids the child in the narration process. Once the cube is put together they can “roll the dice” and the child then tells about what is asked of them. My daughter is just beginning the narration process and responded very well to this cube. The link above has both a cube for younger and older children.
We used this cube for our narration today. Wow! There are so many things I don’t realize my 6 year old doesn’t understand yet. I explained the difference between plot and theme to her today. Wow, thanks again, Penny! Great tool for reluctant narrators!
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