Anyone Used Analytical Grammar DVD?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Anyone Used Analytical Grammar DVD?

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  • kellywright006

    Needing help in cutting down teacher time. Has anyone used the DVD?
    Wondering if you found it helpful?
    Finding mixed reviews online?



    My kids used the DVD and found it helpful, but we quit AG after four weeks. My kids HATED the overall program and I wasn’t too fond of it either. I never learned diagramming and honestly I’m not sure I see the value in it. This is just my personal experience and opinion, but I do know others really like the program.


    I purchased the DVD for use with a group of kids. It’s fine, but really is only the teacher reading the notes and working some examples. There is no other teaching on the DVD. It could be helpful if the student is tackling grammar alone, but isn’t fully necessary.

    I do like AG though it has a lot of diagramming. I find that diagramming helps us to better understand how to put our language together effectively. That said, 10 exercises a day can be a bit much. To lessen the load a bit while still getting the benefit, consider drawing a few of the diagrams to be filled in for your student or cutting the number of exercises from 10 to 7.


    Thank you for weighing it. I was just trying to see if the DVD was helpful, for the investment.

    My 6th grader said today, that even though it’s hard, and takes a lot of time to do a lesson {for us}, she

    she is glad she is doing it because “it makes sense and I understand it!”

    Cha-Ching!!!!!   🙂

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