Anyone use "Science Through Children's Literature"?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Anyone use "Science Through Children's Literature"?

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  • Laura.bora


    I’m eyeing this, because Apologia just isn’t a good fit for us.  What I want is 106 days of creation style, but not 106 days of creation because I’m almost done with it.  We LOVED it, and want to have a similar experience with our next science curriculum.  Anyway – this looks almost too good to be true.  So anyone have any reviews?


    Wow! This actually look pretty good!  My ds8 is doing a unit study on astronauts right now and he’s really liking it.  With his personality type I wondered if I could do Apologia successfully with him.  My dd12 is still using Apologia and is having a wonder time with them.  He’s a little different…  I like the unity study idea, it keeps everything new and fresh all the time…let me know if you get it, I bookmarked the sight for myself!


    I bought this book about two or three years ago and never used it. I liked it in theory, but the format of the book just didn’t appeal to me. It also seemed like you had to read the entire novel before you could do the suggested activities. It wasn’t a novel study that had activities/lessons for each chapter or group of chapters. It has some good ideas in it, but like I said, it just didn’t gel for me.


    Thank you!  I’ll keep searching.  Anyone have any ideas for something more literature based, but still has lots of activities to do?


    Hi there Laura.bora,

    I have no idea if this will help, but I’ll give it a shot. 

     We are finishing up 106 days in our first semester of school this fall, it’s sad, but true.  We have taken our time with it, but it is time to finish up and move on.  So, my idea for our kids is to begin Nature Studies (journal/sketchbook/observations, etc.). We’ll use the Anna Comstock book suggested and I’m reading Hours in the Outdoors from SCM.  For second semester we will read (hopefully) from the list of living books on the curriculum guide that we have not had the privilege of reading (I’m super excited about that). In the middle of all of this we have science kits that we have had in the garage that we haven’t used, so we’ll open those up and see what happens.   We will be using some Apologia 2nd semester, maybe, (definitely next school year), but I know you aren’t interested in that so…

    My kids are 11, 8 and 4.  I’m not super crazy about science unless it’s reading about the scientist and his life/findings, etc.  I’m trying to combine living books, experiments, nature study, field trips (we have a small science museum in our town) into a science package that makes sense to me/us.  I have lots of time with my 2 younger boys, but it’s my oldest that I feel has not been exposed to the CM style of science and I really want him to enjoy this next year (possibly the next, too) before it gets more “scientific,” if you know what I mean.

    HTH and I hope you find what fits best for your family.


    Laura – I’m not sure if this will be useful or not, but this is how I do science.  We pick a topic and get some books and go with it for a bit, adding in experiments and such.  I have many lists of science books for various topics on my blog.  The easiest way to find them would be to search on “science” or “booklists” once you get to my blog.


    Noeo is the only lit based science I know of that integrates activities into the reading.


    Have you looked at Otter’s Homeschool Science at Guest Hollow dot com? Don’t know if it comes close to what you want but may be worth a look if you’re not already familiar with it…

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