Hi Tristan,
If you would like to incorporate more math into your day, how about checking out Ruth Beechick’s Easy Start inArithmetic from the library? There are fantastic activity ideas (depending on your child’s age/ability). For example, 1st grade activities could be board games (counting moves, reading numbers, following rules) to building toys – Leg’s blocks (size, pattern, comparison, planning counting), Snacks (counting, sharing equally, cutting in half) craft projects (straight lnes, folding in half, following steps) collecting (sorting, comparing, classifying)
She has some 2nd grade activities as reading the calendar, thermometer, preparing a list of emergency numbers, reading household bills. I’ll stop there as I don’t know the age(s) of your child(ren).
You may already be incorporating a lot of math without realizing it!
Don’t forget, Math-U-See has some fun games in the teacher’s handbooks as well as on-line drills. I’ve also only heard good things about MEPS but we love MUS so don’t fancy a change.