Anyone use Beautiful Feet US and World History for High School?

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  • amcampbell4


    I am looking at using Beautiful Feet US and World History Parts I and II for my rising 10th grader next year. I see from the website that they consider it a 2 year course, but I was hoping to condense it somehow into one year, so we could do Parts 3 and 4 in 11th and 12th grade. Also, there is so much reading, I am wondering if this could be counted as dual credit for both history and literature. Anyone have any experience with using this study guide and have some advice?




    Anne, we are currently using BF US & World with our 11th grader and will continue next year for 12th grade.  It’s great….we LOVE it!!  You will find answers to your questions on the BF website under “Info & FAQ”.  Here’s the credit break down….



    Parts 1 & 2 are intended for 1 year and parts 3 & 4 are intended for the second year.   The course counts for literature and history credit as you will see on the above link.  They do recommend supplementing the literature with a language arts program for writing and grammar.  We’re using Lightning Lit & Comp through Hewitt Homeschool and really liking it.


    There is also a wonderful Yahoo Group for BF users.  You might consider checking it out…..and have you been on the BF Blog?  There are great articles there supporting the use of living books.  I have it linked to my blog.  Let me know if you have any other questions. 





    Wow, Melissa, thanks for the great info in your response! So, if I understand correctly, these are one year courses, but divided into 2 semesters? I will definitely check out the Yahoo group and blog! Also, thanks for the tip on Lightning Lit. I was looking at Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Gold Book) and there seems to be some overlap as far as several of the books, but I am not sure. My ds15 is relatively weak on Language Arts in general, and I intend to focus more on writing than on straight grammar instruction. How does Lightning Lit cover Language Arts subjects?




    You’re welcome Anne.  BF is a 2 year program, divided over 4 semesters, one part each semester.  Here’s what the BF site says…..


    U.S. and World History Sr. High

    (2-year program, covers 1800-1990)

    Parts I and II (Year 1)
    1 American History Credit
    1 American Literature Credit

    Parts III and IV (Year 2)
    1 Modern World History Credit
    1 Literature Credit (general survey)


    In regard to Lightning Lit, here’s what their site says….


    Each high-school guide is a one-semester course for most students. Students who struggle with reading and writing may take up to a year to finish a guide. Additional reading recommendations are given for students who excel in language arts. All students will be exposed to exciting new authors and revisit old favorites with new eyes. Each guide includes biographies of the authors; comprehension questions; lessons on the readings; writing exercises; any short stories, essays, or poems used for lessons; additonal reading suggestions; and discussion questions.


    There should be samples on both sites linked above. 


    Hope that helps,


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