Anyone use an ebook reader?

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  • mystika1


    I am about to purchase an ebook reader and I have researched until I am blue in the face. I think I will purchase the Astak 6in EZ Reader. It will be sooooo nice not to have to print and bind my google titles. Anyway, I have been comparing it to the Kindle 2 and find the Astak to accept alot more formats. The battery is easy to get to and memory can be added with an sd card.

     Anyone here own a kindle? Can you load gutenberg and google books fast without having to convert them to work on a kindle?

    Thanks in advance,


    I have a Kindle.  I was able to load books easily, if you can’t figure it out they offer a guide.  It comes with a free basic guide, but they offer a more detailed guide for 25 cents right now. The Gutenburg books are a mix, some download and some do not. Also, most of the classics are available for free on Amazon so I didn’t need Gutenberg.  I got the Fairy Books by Andrew Lang all for free and several other books that are on gutenberg right off of Amazon’s sight.  I haven’t compared it to others so I couldn’t tell you about any other e-reader.  I do enjoy mine a lot.


    i have to say- i just bought an Ipod touch, and i LOVE it, i THINK its like a kindle only you can do like a bazillion other things with it.  I think the screen is a bit smaller though, but its comfortable to read.  Anyway, you might consider that.  I got mine at Costco for about $184 plus tax


    I have had  the gen1 kindle for over a year and what a prize. I have downloaded thousands of $$$$ worth the books for free. You can’t beat that.

    Doug Smith

    I was initially considering the Kindle, but it looks like Apple’s iPad will be so much nicer. It will handle PDF documents much better than the Kindle, among other things.

    It doesn’t start shipping until March, though.


    I bought an Ipod Touch for this, and downloaded a $3.00 PDF reader application that allows me to open PDF documents with pictures intact!  So I can use Google books and more and keep all the illustrations, unlike an e-reader.  I love it as many of our homeschool materials are ebooks.   It is so much easiers to snuggle up on the couch or someone’s bed with the IPod Touch, than to snuggle up around the computer monitor on the desktop. Wink


    Oh, the application is PDF Reader Pro.

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