Anyone use AAS with DR?

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  • jenhorsfall

    Does anyone here use All About Spelling with Delightful Reading?  If so, how is it working for you?  How are you implementing it into your school day?  I am considering using them on alternate days along with using the Pathway Readers for practice.  All About Reading seems like it may be similar to Delightful Reading and since I already own DR, I don’t have an interest in purchasing AAR.


    Good question as I picked AAS level 1 up from someone else though we are not ready to implement yet.  They are pretty straight forward about starting AAS after level 1 of of AAR, but how would that correspond to DR?


    I also picked up level 1 however after reviewing it, I decided to return it because it seemed redundant since I already have DR.  Both use letter tiles.  It just depends on if you want to do an intensive phonics program or basic.  I’m leaning more towards the basic.

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