I know in the past on here there was a link to donwload the books onto your kindle. Does anyone have that bookmarked? I can’t find it and need to put them on my new kindle.
Ruth, I don’t remember that link, but is it possible to do so from AO? Also, I have the set on Kindle that I bought from Amazon for $2.99. I also have the paperbacks for reading at home, which is the version I’ll be using, btw.
Is it all right if our first reading just covers the whole introduction which is 21 pages in my print book, and we’ll move to 20 pages at a time from there. If we’re counting from the first mention of Vol 6., we’d start on Wednesday or Thursday, August 21 or 22. Do you want to start at that time?
Is everyone ok with starting a post labeled Vol. 6, Introduction (pg. 1 – 21) 8/21 (and consequent readings labeled accordingly) in which we can discuss that part. As long as SCM (Sonya, Doug) is ok with seperate posts for each reading, people could then potentially go back through and revisit the book study as well. Does that sound ok?