anyone in michigan

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  • jill smith

    looking for other cm users in Michigan for support?

    Rebekah P

    We’ve had a thread like this before.  You may find it in the archives. 

    I live in Michigan.  Feel free to PM me.


    jill smith



    I’m in Michigan, too. You can message me if you like – maybe we’re close by! 🙂



    Welcome! I, too, am in Michigan :).


    Me too! Me too!!!!!


    We are trying to figure out how to move to MI.  I know that doens’t count, but I love seeing you MI ladies!



    lol, April 🙂 I’d like to move out of Michigan. Seriously! In a matter of a week we have literally had severe flooding from rain, snow, cold and warm. Everyone in my house is sick. yuck!

    jill smith

    april, where are you living now that you would want to move to Michigan? Not that its bad here just wondered? I would love to move south where it is warmer longer. LOL.



    Nina, I’m sorry about everyone being sick and I have friends in Grand Rapids and saw some of the pictures of the flooding. Jrs5kids, we live in Washington state.  Our attachment therapist lives in GR and that is the main reason for looking at MI.  I have always lived in the West and going east that far freaks me out honestly.  I would love to be somewhere where we could homestead and MI looks like a place where you can.  We see a lot of MI plates here in Washington and we always wonder why. Maybe Michigan isn’t where it’s at.  I do love the homeschool laws there.  We are in a moderate state and we have manditory testing and all my children are very developmentally delayed.  They want to us to use the school district for services, but I am not interested.  Glad to see some input on MI.


    Michigan is DEFINETLY a great place to homeschool. The state is completely hands off 🙂 Yes GR got flooding bad 🙁 I guess Mi isn’t that bad. They say if you don’t like the weather, wait an hour and it will change, lol. But then again I’ve heard that we only have 2 seasons: winter and construction. So…. I’ve never lived anywhere else as an adult. I grew up in Texas and I loved it!!! Not sure I could handle the hot now that I’m older. Or the spiders or cockroaches. And I do appreciate fresh water lakes verses shark, jellyfish, stingray infested ocean waters.

    Okay, okay, Michigan’s pretty good 🙂


    I’m glad to hear Michigan’s a friendly HS state — we just moved from Wisconsin. I’m looking for some local CM families, too, for support. Anyone near Lansing? 

    I keep hoping to move back to MI, but the economy doesn’t seem to warrant it yet. I grew up in GR and went to MSU. We are currently in KS, which is pretty hs friendly too.  My family is still there and we go up every summer & for various family gatherings.


    My husband found three jobs in GR area this last week.  I’m so nervous because all our family is out west, but they are all a plane ride away also.  Would you please pray for our family as we start making some huge decisions about moving to MI?  We really want to be in the will of the Lord this move.  We moved here due to our own wants/desires and we know we were wrong not to listen to that still small voice.  We have been blessed here with 4 precious children from China, but we know this is not where the Lord wants us.  It is very apparent and He is pushing us and we hear Him, only we don’t know where we are supossed to go.  Thanks, April


    Wow April! I pray God will make His direction clear and give you and your husband peace! I’m about an hour or so SW of GR.

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