Anyone go lesson by lesson in Handbook of Nature Study?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Anyone go lesson by lesson in Handbook of Nature Study?

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  • kimofthesavages

    I’ve had this book on my desk for almost a year now but have not used it. Finally I opened it up and read the intro and took a good look at it. I really like it. I’d like to try to go through it lesson by lesson but I’m wondering if I would run into problems doing that because of seasons? Does anyone use this book and go lesson by lesson?

    Rachel White

    No, I haven’t done it that way; though I have used it thanks to a blog I found. It may be helpful to you:


    I am choosing topics and going by that.  Right now we are doing Rocks and then we will do Garden Flowers.


    We follow the schedule on Ambleside Online which is by topic–this year was mammels, birds, then wildflowers (but we may do gardening instead). We also read from Burgess Bird book, library books about pets, or online resources for better pics and more info. Some of the questions seemed to be over their heads this year, so may do more with the lessons next go round.



    I use Rachel’s method.  The Hanbook of Nature Study blog is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!  It makes nature study so much easier, especially if you’re not sure where to begin.  She is a gentle teacher and the photos make you want to jump in and start (we did!)  I’ve even started working on a bird  field guide for our area.  She brought home branches from a nature walk and they bloomed in a vase, very pretty, so I went out to our yard and cut a couple branches from a couple different trees and one of them bloomed, still waiting on the other.  Sorry for running on, but it is truly a wonderful site.


    Thanks for the link to the blog. That mom is inspiring! I especially appreciated her entry on how to get started.  


    I wanted to check this book out via interlibrary loan.  Can someone tell me anything to help me pick the correct one.  There is a number of different choices to pick from.  TIA.

    Richele Baburina

    I, too, love Anna Comstock’s Handbook of Nature Study.  I make a rough list by term at the beginning of the year based on the area we live and what we are likely to see during our time out of doors and through the year read the lessons on the topic myself.  My oldest is in Grade 2 so we are still almost exclusively using nature itself as the “textbook” and my boys spend lots of time observing with very little input from me.

    Last year the boys were having a blast catching crickets in our field so that night I took HNS to bed with me to read up.  The next day I asked if they would like to make a cricket cage (pictured in L. 81).  I pointed out how to tell males from female and answered any of their questions but mostly it was just them and the crickets.  Their best nature journal entries seem to be the spontaneous ones but I  put them in with their field gear stuff and always hope they pull them out Wink


    Hi Nina,

    There are some free versions that you can check out online as well



    Love Barb’s blog.  She got us started, although for the past year or so we’ve not been following.  We just started up again and bought her spring series challenge e-book and are having fun with it.  It’s a great way to start using the book, that’s why I started following the challenges.


    I too, love Lauras blog. She has a link on there where you can read the Handbook online free. If you don’t have the book its a good alternative! The daily challenges are enticing and lots of fun without overwhelming me! I think we need to do a weather study- today the weather has gone from snow to hail to brilliant blue with wind, to rain, pouring, then more blue, more wind, more snow,now it is hailing so hard the dog is whining, lol. It must really be spring!

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