Anyone else's 10 yr. old use the word 'thrice' lately?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Anyone else's 10 yr. old use the word 'thrice' lately?

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  • Rachel White

    This morning my son presented me with conversation that consisted of the word “thrice”. He used it three times and correctly. It took me aback and then I found it quite amusing. I don’t have any intention of telling him that that word isn’t in use anymore; I don’t really expect him to use it out with the neighbors children; like he’s care anyway what they thought!

    I guess that’s to be expected when a child reads Howard Pyle’s Men of Iron and listens to Merry Adventures of Robin Hood?Laughing

    Any one else have a similar tale to tell?



    LOL, how cute!  Raising a literate child is SO much fun!  My most recent funny moment was when my 10yo observed recently after church activities in the evening that the moon was “waxing gibbous”  That raised a few eyebrows.  Laughing

    ROTFL! This made my day!

    My oldest ds does this the most. I can’t think now of all the unusual words he’s surprised us with….I knew I should be writing these down! Things like-presently instead of soon. I can’t say that mine won’t pull it out in regular/outside conversation-he likely would without thinking. Laughing



    I love it when this happens!

    “Waxing gibbous” – wow! I don’t even know that! Laughing

    Rachel White

    Love the waxing gibbous account.

    Yes, my son, the 10 yr. old does it all the time, too; as does my dd, age 9. I think his favorite word is “earnest” and “in earnest”!

    He told my husband that wasn’t good to be a coxcomb (a vain person) and to be thankful that he didn’t have chilblains (tumors or sores on hands or feet) on his hands and feet last week! The first came from The O’Reilly word of the day and the second from Pinnocchio.

    They just crack me up! My husband finds it more odd than amusing, but I’m delighted!



    Oh, that’s adorable.  Thanks for sharing, Rachel.  I, too, need to be writing these down.  Smile


    Since we purchased our juicer, our children have been enthralled with it. Last week, dd5.5 said, “I like making juice because it’s necessary.” I thought that was pretty impressive for a 5yo!

    Love how brilliant our children are!

    Doug Smith

    Well, Rachel, if he likes “thrice” then it’s time to introduce him to “tertiary,” as in “primary, secondary, and tertiary.” Smile


    After my now 5yo dd started talking I purchased a journal just to write down the funny things all my kids say.  It is just that my youngest is the one who says the most things so I sadly didn’t keep track when the other two were very young.  Last week while going over the letter “V” I asked my 5yo (who told our neighbor today that she was 5 and 11/12) what words she knew that began with the letter “V”.  Her list is “Vietnam, violets, Venus, very, Victoria, and vagrant”.  She didn’t know what vagrant meant but had heard it.   And I am making it my mission to use “tertiary” this week.  Glad to know there are more word nerds out there!


    well for cute things, although not a real word… my now 2yo (if I’m not confused as to who did this…) used to call a telephone a “talk-a-phone”.   hey – makes sense to me!


    I love the “thrice” story.  I had to laugh out loud because it reminded me of when I was in the “professional workforce” had to write performance reports.  It’s hard to describe, but the nature of the reports was such that creative use of language was more important than performance.  Once upon a time I put “thrice” in a report and had it removed by a superior because “it wasn’t a real word”.  Laughing


    I’m loving this thread!  I had a similar experience with a paper: I used the phrase “I would fain say” and the instructor ate it up.  He wrote “where did you learn to write like this? It’s so pretty and antique!”  And on the line of children using “outdated” speech; we were on our way somewhere in the van, and my baby was crying (wanted to be nursed).  My eight year old was trying to get me to stop and nurse him, but I explained that I couldn’t just pull over on the interstate, and that he would be okay until we reached our destination, to which she exclaimed “but brother’s in distress, and I can’t bear it!”  I laughed.

    Okay, one more:  My three year old walked into my room on a Sunday morning as I was getting ready for church.  She looked at me and said “you look lovely, my darling!”  Made my day. Smile



    My 3 yr old used the word obliged the other day. I believe that one came from little pilgrims progress which we did as a family read aloud. Love the stories!

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