Anyone Else Having Issues with the Organizer?

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  • Marcee

    It seems to be loading really slow and asking me to refresh a lot. Or I just have to shut it down because it keeps “working”. I am not having the same issue with the blog or forum loading.


    I AM having a similar isshue with the forum! I contacted the “web people” and they told me they have been having isshues. Not sure if this also pertains to the organizer. they told me to reload while holding the shift key down. BUT again this is for the forum. could you send me a link to the organizer? I would like to read on it more.


    You can find the organizer here:

    Doug Smith

    The Organizer is totally separate and running on different servers so it’s not affected by our main site. I’ll check it out and make sure everything is working properly.

    Betty Dickerson

    I know we are having issues with AT&T right now.  Don’t know if that can affect other things?


    So far this morning it seems to be ok. Last night it was taking a very long time to load and save. I kept getting a refresh yoru browser warning, but I would just have to close out of it and go back in. 

    Doug Smith

    Everything is running normally today. We did run a special backup last night that was probably the cause of the slowdown. That kind of activity normally only happens in the middle of the night when there wouldn’t be many people using the Organizer.

    Please let us know if notice any other problems and we’ll check into it right away. Thanks.

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