My 14yo daughter has ‘slogged through’ Augustus Caesar’s World… she didn’t like the book at all. Now we are trying another Genevieve Foster book, “The World of Columbus and Sons”, and after the first chapter she is complaining about it. (Boring, do I have to read this, etc.) The thing is that after this book I have “George Washington’s World” for her to read. The three books are part of her curriculum with Sonlight Core Alt7 (Core W). I have her read them herself. I do only one of her readings per day and it’s usually one of the novels which I read at night to her while she cross-stitches before bed… I don’t really have time to do any of her reading during the day.
Should I just have her skip these books? She’s also reading through Hillyer’s “A Child’s History of the World” and “The Usborne Book of World History”… maybe that’s enough of a ‘spine’. What will she miss by not reading them?
Has anyone else NOT like Genevieve Foster’s books? I read some of the “Augustus Caesar’s World” to her and I didn’t really love it, but ancient history isn’t my favourite time period and I hate reading books with a lot of strange names to try to pronounce. I was hoping the next two books would be better, because I’ve heard so many recommendations for Foster’s books.
My kids and I very much enjoyed ACW, and parts of GWW (haven’t read the Columbus one), but I did read these books aloud to them, and paused for explanations when needed. Bit of a long read if you don’t like it though… maybe you could scan ahead and cut her readings down. There is so much info there; I found it not-too-difficult to leave out certain sections if I didn’t have time to read it all.
I’m reading Abe Lincoln’s World to my 9 and 12 yo.’s. I’ve decided to skip chapters here and there since we’re using other materials and it seems that if I have too much where it’s information overload not much gets retained. I agree that you could go through the book and just assign certain chapters… :)Gina
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