Anyone coming to the Midwest Convention this week?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Anyone coming to the Midwest Convention this week?


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  • Tristan

    I will be there Friday and Saturday and look forward to hearing Sonya speak and shopping at the SCM booth in the vendor hall!  Anyone else coming?


    LOL, I might if it were IN the Midwest!!! 

    Just kidding.  Ohio seems SO far away from here it’s practically the East Coast!!  AFAIC if it’s much past the Mississippi you’ve entered the East.  I always get emails about “Midwest Conventions” and excitedly open them hoping for, say, Kansas City or something . . .   What a big country this is if Ohio is the Midwest!!!  Have a good time at the convention!


    Michelle D



    That is so true! I live in MO and I am shocked to hear people talk about the midwest being as far north as Wisconsin!  Seriously?  LOL


    That’s funny 3littlegirls! 


    I’m proud to be a midwesterner from WI.  Wish I was going to the convention. 🙁  I couldn’t talk my husband into it with the price of gas.  Have a great time!  Maybe I’ll see some of you at the MN Homeschooling Convention (MACHE) Blessing, Melissa


    Midwest, my fanny!  The problem is, none of the states in the East want to let Ohio join them….I guess that’s what happens when you’re famous for having your river catch on fire.

    I wish I was going to the convention–it’s only 4 hours from here–but I don’t know what I’d do with the kids.  S’pose I could send them on over to the SCM booth and let ’em make canvas tarp slipcovers with Doug! Wink


    Trying to repair the Buckeye State’s reputation,


    Doug Smith

    By the way, Karen and I will be there along with Sonya and her husband, John. We’ll be in booths 712 and 714 and we would love to meet any of you who are attending.

    Doug Smith

    I forgot to mention that Queen Homeschool Supplies is right across the aisle from us so we’ll have our own little CM section in the convention hall. 🙂


    You know, after further deliberation, WI must be in the Midwest.  What else would you call it?  LOL

    Sara B.

    The Midwest (true Midwest, that is) is huge, from north to south.  I grew up in MN, lived in WI for several years, and now am back in MN.  I am born and raised Midwestern-style.  😛  But yeah, to me, Ohio is east, not Midwest.  Midwest stops at WI, IL, and south, IMO.  🙂


    My kids were getting goofy last night after I posted here.  They decided we should change things up.  Going from East to West, they suggest:  East East, Mid East, West East, East West, Mid West, and West West.  Laughing

    Sonya Shafer

    And we won’t even talk about Deep South, South, Sorta South, North, Way North, Frigid, . . . Wink


    Okay, so when is anyone having a CM convention with you all there in California???  Is that happening and I don’t know about it or is it ever going to happen??????  I feel soooo left out:(

    Just kidding, well, no, I’m not really kidding, but I haven’t really looked for something like that here.  Does anyone know of any going on in the West West??  We’re talking way West or even East West would work, I thinkWink.

    Have a great time and know that you are blessed to have this in your neck of the woods.


    And you really have to work hard because the Deep South is where I’m from in northern South Carolina, but north Florida, where I now live is geographically south, but it isn’t the south at all really. Very confusing, indeed!

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