Anyone care to share their schedules?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Anyone care to share their schedules?

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    We’ve been homeschooling for two years and I have never really scheduled our day.  Needless to say, it hasn’t been a very smooth two years.  Somehow, we’ve gotten things done, but I know it could be so much better.  I typed out a family work schedule tonight and it seems so hard to fit everything in.  Especially, I’m not wanting to overdo it for my third grader.  Got me thinking and wondering if anyone else had some schedules typed out that they would care to share? 


    I’m very informal right now with my kindergartener, which really is against my nature. I know in the next year or so I will have to do a more formal schedule, when we have more subjects. Here’s what our day looks like:

    Sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. we sit and read. This includes nursery rhymes and a Bible story. It could last anywhere from 20 to 45 min. based on his attention span. Then, most days we take the rest of the morning off. When ds2 goes down for her nap, we finish with math/reading/penmanship, which can take 15-30 min based on how well he cooperates. The exception is Monday, when everything must be completed by 11:30 a.m. or moved to the next day. (I have a part-time job. Most days I report at 4; on Mondays I report at 1.)



    It goes against my nature to be relaxed too.  I even started Kindergarten last year when she was 4.5 because she is an intelligent, wanting to please child.  Now that I’ve found out about Charlotte Mason, this year (her true Kindergarten year) we are much more relaxed.  After breakfast — about 9 — we do Bible, math, QLL, her readers, all takes about an hour.  If they are anxious and ready to go outside, we leave the read alouds (Literature) for later in the day.  My 3 year old does her math right alongside us.  She does mosaic puzzle shapes.  I give her a bucket of shaped tiles and patterns, and off she goes.  She practices her ABC song, puzzle and points out the vowels.

    After I get more organized, I am going to incorporate Family Bible Memory.  I plan on doing everything in the morning and being finished by lunch so we can have the rest of the day for ballet, music, and outside time.  I am going to schedule Nature notebooks in our day, otherwise it will be at the bottom of the list.

    Can’t wait to hear what others have to say!


    I just finished our schedule this year. It may need some tweaking but it’s a start. 

    Family Classes  (will be starting around 9am) Lunch is scheduled for after PE.

    Daily     Bible
    Daily     History
    Mon.    Music     Tues.  Picture study    Wed.  Nature Study   Thurs.  Picture Study     Fri. Gepgraphy
    Daily    Latin
    Daily    PE
    Mon.     Character     Tues.  Shakespeare    Wed. through  Fri.  Character
    Daily    French
    Daily    Literature

    These subjects are done in time blocks. I work with a child one on one while the other children are doing independent work

    Block 1 –    13yr old  English,  11 yr old  Spelling,   9 yr old  spelling,   7 yr old  phonics/Reading

    Block 2 –   everyone does math

    Block 3 – 13yr old  and  11 yr old  Creative Writing ,   9 yr old  English,   7 yr old -English
    Block 4 –    13yr old  Spelling,  11 yr old  English,   9 yr old  Reading,   7 yr old  Spelling

    Block 5 –   everyone does Science

    Block 6 – Typing and independent reading


    I wish I could cut and paste my micro soft works here and you could just see it.  If you have an email I could send it to you.  But I will try..










    Typing M&W Spanish T&TH






    10:35Personal Dev & FLS


    Time with Sorley


    11:20Study of Day

    This is just one of my childrens schedules.  Then the others are the same times but I have different subjects and I have 2 little ones who are in there also.  But I was hoping this would help you out a bit.  If you want the big pictures email me your address and I can send it.  Thanks



    I don’t have set times for our schedule.  My schedule is set up on a spreadsheet in blocks (again no times).  We try to do everything in the morning, but that doesn’t always happen Wink

    Mon  scripture memory, math, lang arts, literature, science, history/geo/bible

    Tues  scripture memory, math, lang arts, literarture, poetry study, hymn study

    Wed  scripture memory, math, lang arts, literature, science, history/geo/bible

    Thurs  scripture memory, math, lang arts, literature, art study, nature study

    Fri  scripture memory, math, lang arts, literature, science, history/geo/bible

    Copywork is mixed in with math and language arts, I don’t have a set block for that yet.  Each subject takes about 15-20 minutes.  Well Literature more because they love me to read aloud to them. Laughing    At some point soon I’ll also add in composer study. 

    Hope this helps!



    We have always had a schedule of sorts.  However, this is the first year that I’ve arranged an agenda for our days.  So far, it has been very freeing for us all.  I will try and type it out.

    Monday-Family Prayers and Scripture Memory, Copywork for two older girls, Mom reading to preschooler and baby, Bible History with older two, Math with oldest while 7 yr old plays with youngest two, Math with 7 yr old, Hymn Study with Family, Catechism Memory work with 7 yr old while oldest plays with youngest two.  Snack-Break, Grammar with oldest, Dictation with oldest and Phonics with 7 yr old, Science with oldest two, Lunch and clean up, Art with Family

    Tuesday-Family prayers and Scripture Memory, Copywork for two older girls, worksheet for preschooler, Bible History for older two, Math for oldest while 7 yr old plays with youngest two, Math with 7 yr old, Music Composer Study, Literature Read-Aloud, Snack-Break, Science with oldest two, Grammar with oldest, Phonics with 7 yr old while oldest reads a Literature selection

    Wednesday-Family prayers and Scripture Memory, Copywork for two older girls, Numbers book with preschooler, Bible History with two olders, Math with oldest while 7 yr old plays with younger two, Math with 7 yr old, Science with two oldest, Snack-Break, Dictation for oldest while doing Phonics with 7 yr old, Grammar with oldest, Art project with preschooler, Lunch, Gym and Swim at YMCA every other week

    Thursday-Family prayers and Scripture Memory, Copywork for two older girls, worksheets for preschooler, Bible History with two oldest, Math with oldest while 7 yr old plays with two youngers, Math with 7 yr old, Shakespeare Read-Aloud Family, Material World Geography Family, Snack-Break, Grammar with oldest, Phonics with 7 yr old while oldest goes to read a Science book, Family Read-Aloud for Science, Lunch, Afternoon handicrafts

    Friday-Family prayers and Scripture Memory, Copywork for two older girls, projects on letters and numbers with preschooler, History Pocket on Ancient Egypt older two, Math with the oldest while 7 yr old plays with younger two, Math with the 7 yr old, Science Family Read-Aloud, Snack-Break, Picture Study Family, Grammar with oldest, Catechism with 7 yr old while oldest reads a History selection, Lunch, Nature Study Family, Adoration at Church


    Before school we do a few chores also.  We rise at 6:00 amish.  This is the only way I can get it all in with all my girls before noon.  We prefer it.

    Hope this makes sense.  In Christ, Bridget


    I uploaded our to Google Docs.

    You can view it here. I would probably recommend downloading it and viewing it that way. Google Docs make it so big you cannot see it all at once.


    Thank you, everyone, for posting such detailed information.  I know that took a while for some of you.  I really appreciate it. 

    I am going to have to print these out and look them over when I have more time to see if I can glean some hints that would be useful for us.


    I have 2 9-yr-olds in 4th grade, a 5-yr-old in K and a 3-yr-old who says he’s in charge.

    We start at 10 and do the following together daily:

    Prayer and scriptures including memorization of one scripture verse (I read a chapter or small section, about 15 minutes)

    Circle time (songs, physical activities, picture book – 15 to 20 minutes)

    History – all study the same thing (about 15 minutes)- Friday we do geography instead of history.

    Math – if I’m working with the 2 oldest the 5-yr-old works on his handwriting sitting next to me so I can help.  If I’m working with the 5-yr-old on math, the older 2 do their “workboxes”.  They alternate so one week the older boys do math first then the next week the younger one does math first.

    Science – we all study the same thing, 10 to 15 minutes

    Read-aloud – I let them draw or play with toys (no talking) while we read from whatever book we’re reading (10-15 minutes)

    It’s about lunchtime now so they run off to play for a few minutes while I make lunch.  On Mondays we listen to the composer we are studying during lunch.  Otherwise we talk or watch BrainPop videos or some other “educational” video.  

    After lunch we do our “electives”.  Monday is composer, Tuesday is artist, Wednesday is poetry, Thursday is art (as in how to draw) and Friday is nothing.  All together and about 10 minutes or so.  Actually, on Thursday’s art lesson I have them do it very last because they get really caught up in it and don’t like to stop.  They want to draw it again and again and again….

    Then I work with each boy individually while the others do their workboxes or read quietly.  They take turns going first, a week at a time.  For about 20 to 30 minutes I work with each boy on reading and spelling since they’re at different levels.  If the 5-yr-old didn’t get math done yet, I work with him during this time.

    We’re usually done between 2 and 3.  Then they can play for a few hours before needing to do their afternoon chores.

    I have been known to use a timer in order to make sure things get done in a timely manner.  Mostly though I just keep my eye on the clock or end at a natural stopping place.

    This year I made magnets for each subject, and each child if subjects were separated for children (like math for the bigs and math for the little, reading with mom for all 3).  Then I drew columns for each day of the week and put the magnets on, in the typical order we do things.  After we do each subject we take off the magnet.  This way I can easily see what we haven’t done yet that day.  And the kids are holding me to it – we did poetry at 8 pm the other day because I’d missed it and we “needed to take that magnet off.”

    Good luck with your schedule!  Four years later and I’m still tweaking mine.


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